In no particular order...
Check out this cool William Shatner music video...'tis good for a chortle..
I really thought I was strong enough to resist the reality TV craze...but it appears as though I'm caving big time. I watch American Idol and The Apprentice every week, catch as much of the Amazing Race as I can, and am really digging this boxing reality show called "The Contender". Those fighters write a lot of stories both in and out of the ring. My mom doesn't know why I find two guys beating the crap out of each other to be entertaining, but then again, I don't know why she finds Antiques Roadshow to be so entertaining. We've just agreed to shake our heads everytime we pass by the TV ;)
I can't wait for my 2 favourite bands to release their new CDs. Audioslave releases theirs on May 24, and the Foo Fighters on June 14. I've heard some samples from their new stuff, and they're friggin' awesome!
And how cool is this? Someone from hockey-crazy Canada wins the NBA's MVP award! I'm happy and actually somewhat surprised that Steve Nash won the award. He's not as dominant or as flashy as Shaq or Allen Iverson, but he makes everyone around him so much better. He IS the reason why the Suns have gone from missing the playoffs last year to title contender this year. Heck, I would've voted for him based solely on that off-the-head-pass he made to Amare Stoudemire in the dunk contest!
I really thought I was strong enough to resist the reality TV craze...but it appears as though I'm caving big time. I watch American Idol and The Apprentice every week, catch as much of the Amazing Race as I can, and am really digging this boxing reality show called "The Contender". Those fighters write a lot of stories both in and out of the ring. My mom doesn't know why I find two guys beating the crap out of each other to be entertaining, but then again, I don't know why she finds Antiques Roadshow to be so entertaining. We've just agreed to shake our heads everytime we pass by the TV ;)
I can't wait for my 2 favourite bands to release their new CDs. Audioslave releases theirs on May 24, and the Foo Fighters on June 14. I've heard some samples from their new stuff, and they're friggin' awesome!
And how cool is this? Someone from hockey-crazy Canada wins the NBA's MVP award! I'm happy and actually somewhat surprised that Steve Nash won the award. He's not as dominant or as flashy as Shaq or Allen Iverson, but he makes everyone around him so much better. He IS the reason why the Suns have gone from missing the playoffs last year to title contender this year. Heck, I would've voted for him based solely on that off-the-head-pass he made to Amare Stoudemire in the dunk contest!
yeah i'm a reality tv nerd as well. I try not to be..but I am. Ev, you wont believe it but i didnt watch the last episode of the apprentice. ha! I watched every other episode. I think i have the last one on a tape somewhere but i've been to busy and whatnot lately to really care I guess. So who won? The contender, i've seen a couple times, and it's good but i'm not hooked on it. Sadly i admit that i like my cheesy dating whatever reality shows like the Bachelor, even though i admit they are stupid and whatnot. They addicting!
Anonymous, at 5/16/2005 12:47 a.m.
Kendra won the Apprentice...not a big surprise there. I didn't even bother to watch the finale because it was too obvious.
Manfredo vs Mora is going to be a great fight...and on free, live TV tomorrow (the 24th). Can't wait.
Reality dating shows...excuse me while I vomit in terror.
Ev(an), at 5/23/2005 11:00 p.m.
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