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Added some new links to the right side of the page. I can already anticipate the main question I'll be getting, so I may as well answer it now: Yes, I do know Lance.
So what's new, you ask? Very little, I respond. Tomorrow is the last day I physically have to be present in a classroom until the beginning of January, so I'm pumped about that. I have a very necessary haircut scheduled in between classes tomorrow (these sideburns are outta control!), and then my thesis supervisor is taking us grad students out for drinks on his tab (gotta love those Italians) at the Faculty Club on campus after last class. I'm gonna drink that Club out of Diet Pepsi by the time I'm done with his money (lol).
I only have one midterm to study for, but it's in my weakest subject area: international relations. It's mainly about terrorism, so it should be relatively interesting to cram for. I also have a 20 page paper about Canada's relationship with Quebec due less than a week after the previously mentioned final exam. I don't want to get too far ahead in these assignments until I get some further direction and feedback, so I'm pretty much taking it easy for now (hence tonight's post). I'm saving the bulk of my thesis research for the holidays. My thesis proposal made it past the grad student table, and now I await the judgment of a panel of academics in I'll have something to work on during the holidays, don't you fret! I'm even taking 10 days off of work in December to get this stuff done.
Staff Christmas party is this Sunday. I'm kinda jealous...Colin works at Scott's Parable's and has his Christmas party at the Willows. I work at a grocery store that rakes in a ton of money a day, and our party is at Eastview Bowl. I love bowling, but it should be a precursor to a larger soiree. I'm kinda disappointed by the rumours I'm hearing of a ton of people getting drunk before the party then going bowling though...and I'll likely have to drive these people over, because my conscience won't allow me to let them drive themselves. Sigh. On the other hand, I should be able to post one of the better scores of the day!
I also have given great thought to what my baking contribution will be for the staff room for the holiday season. Last year, the great ladies at work baked so many things that I partook in and in some cases specially requested. I felt as though I should give back. Buying stuff from Tim Hortons felt like a cop-out. My cooking skills are in great need of honing, but I baked pumpkin cookies with colored chocolate chips just to get a laugh, but this plan backfired: everyone who tried them loved them, and the resulting blindness was minimal. I'm now getting asked what I will be bringing this year, since I've gobbled my fair share of the upstairs goodies to date. Since I've been to busy to further pursue the evolution of my cooking skills, I've settled on a coconut roll, where the instructions take up less than a 1/4 of the cookbook page, and only require 4 things: flour, coconut, peanut butter and a fridge. I should be able to pull that off, and once again, hopefully with minimal blindness.
Alas, I must take my leave of you all. My presence is required in the kitchen...I must not shirk the responsibilities required of me as this household's official peppernut tester.
Added some new links to the right side of the page. I can already anticipate the main question I'll be getting, so I may as well answer it now: Yes, I do know Lance.
So what's new, you ask? Very little, I respond. Tomorrow is the last day I physically have to be present in a classroom until the beginning of January, so I'm pumped about that. I have a very necessary haircut scheduled in between classes tomorrow (these sideburns are outta control!), and then my thesis supervisor is taking us grad students out for drinks on his tab (gotta love those Italians) at the Faculty Club on campus after last class. I'm gonna drink that Club out of Diet Pepsi by the time I'm done with his money (lol).
I only have one midterm to study for, but it's in my weakest subject area: international relations. It's mainly about terrorism, so it should be relatively interesting to cram for. I also have a 20 page paper about Canada's relationship with Quebec due less than a week after the previously mentioned final exam. I don't want to get too far ahead in these assignments until I get some further direction and feedback, so I'm pretty much taking it easy for now (hence tonight's post). I'm saving the bulk of my thesis research for the holidays. My thesis proposal made it past the grad student table, and now I await the judgment of a panel of academics in I'll have something to work on during the holidays, don't you fret! I'm even taking 10 days off of work in December to get this stuff done.
Staff Christmas party is this Sunday. I'm kinda jealous...Colin works at Scott's Parable's and has his Christmas party at the Willows. I work at a grocery store that rakes in a ton of money a day, and our party is at Eastview Bowl. I love bowling, but it should be a precursor to a larger soiree. I'm kinda disappointed by the rumours I'm hearing of a ton of people getting drunk before the party then going bowling though...and I'll likely have to drive these people over, because my conscience won't allow me to let them drive themselves. Sigh. On the other hand, I should be able to post one of the better scores of the day!
I also have given great thought to what my baking contribution will be for the staff room for the holiday season. Last year, the great ladies at work baked so many things that I partook in and in some cases specially requested. I felt as though I should give back. Buying stuff from Tim Hortons felt like a cop-out. My cooking skills are in great need of honing, but I baked pumpkin cookies with colored chocolate chips just to get a laugh, but this plan backfired: everyone who tried them loved them, and the resulting blindness was minimal. I'm now getting asked what I will be bringing this year, since I've gobbled my fair share of the upstairs goodies to date. Since I've been to busy to further pursue the evolution of my cooking skills, I've settled on a coconut roll, where the instructions take up less than a 1/4 of the cookbook page, and only require 4 things: flour, coconut, peanut butter and a fridge. I should be able to pull that off, and once again, hopefully with minimal blindness.
Alas, I must take my leave of you all. My presence is required in the kitchen...I must not shirk the responsibilities required of me as this household's official peppernut tester.
Wow! Now I'm on your link list! I will be SO COOL now!! I also know what you mean about the sideburns. Once the get down to my jaw they get all hobo-ey on me.
Oh and good job on being a designated driver. In all seriousness, you might save a life or two.
Lance, at 12/03/2005 12:31 a.m.
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