My kingdom for quality gum!
Now that I'm sufficiently convinced that people still check in on my blog from time to time and that I'm not talking to myself (more than usual), I present to you another entry. Woooooo....
I feel compelled to talk about a topic that is near and dear to me... gum. I chew it in the car, at work, after work, watching tv and wherever else it is acceptable to chew it. I went to a 7-11 to pick up some gum before work (we aren't supposed to chew gum at work, but I do it anyway, and they never say anything about it), and I must say....the selection of gum out there deeply disturbs me. The latest trend in gum-world seems to be favoring chiclet-type gum, which I am not a fan need like a 1/4 of the whole pack to create an acceptable piece of gum, whereas with normal-sized sticks, one or two will do nicely. My parents were just in California and brought back some good ol' American gum. The sticks are nice and long and have cool flavours (green apple, wildberry frost, watermelon)...alas, the flavour disappears within minutes and must be spit out shortly thereafter. Too bad...because it smells purty.
That rant would've made a nice Seinfeld episode.
I feel compelled to talk about a topic that is near and dear to me... gum. I chew it in the car, at work, after work, watching tv and wherever else it is acceptable to chew it. I went to a 7-11 to pick up some gum before work (we aren't supposed to chew gum at work, but I do it anyway, and they never say anything about it), and I must say....the selection of gum out there deeply disturbs me. The latest trend in gum-world seems to be favoring chiclet-type gum, which I am not a fan need like a 1/4 of the whole pack to create an acceptable piece of gum, whereas with normal-sized sticks, one or two will do nicely. My parents were just in California and brought back some good ol' American gum. The sticks are nice and long and have cool flavours (green apple, wildberry frost, watermelon)...alas, the flavour disappears within minutes and must be spit out shortly thereafter. Too bad...because it smells purty.
That rant would've made a nice Seinfeld episode.
Well, let me just start of by saying that I have probably chewed gum less than 4 times in the last 12 months. This is due to the fact that I got braces, and they tell you not to. Not like that really would stop me, because I still eat lots of things I'm not supposed to. But I digress. I don't really chew gum, but when I do it's Dentyne (spelling?), which i'm guessing in Ev's book would be a chiclet-type gum. Who cares if it's small. At least it works! I can relate to the nice smelling gum that quickly tastes horrible and/or falls apart in your mouth. So gross. Seinfeld, I love seinfeld! And yes it would have made an excellent episode because it's really not a big deal, yet they could so totally blow it out of proportion. Maybe you should start your own sitcom. Yeah, that's it, drop everything else you're doing and do that!
Anonymous, at 3/16/2005 3:35 p.m.
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