Procrastination Tip #1: Fill Out A Survey
I should be starting my paper, but I have a headache and it's late. I need to do something fun and time consuming. I know! Let's waste some time by doing a survey from a random blog. Hailey Friesen had a good one on hers...
A- Age of your first kiss: I'm told it was in kindergarden. I don't want to say who it was, because she's engaged now and it might get her in trouble! LOL
B- Band you are listening to right now: Queens of the Stone Age. Weird, yet effective.
C- Crush: The one I had just did something incredibly stupid the other I guess I'm starting over from scratch!
D- Drink you drank last: Coca Cola Zero. Weird, yet effective.
E- Easiest person to talk to: Everyone who reads this blog (single tear)
F- Favorite ice cream: Blueberry Cheesecake
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears: Anything gummy gets my seal of approval.
H- Height: On the cusp of 5'11...hope there's one more spurt left in me so I can fulfill my hoop dreams.
I- Instruments: Burping?
J- Jelly Flavor: I have toast once every 3 months or so...but it's grape or lemon when I get the urge.
K- Kids: Babies seem to like my glasses.
L- Longest car/bus ride: I think Dalmeny to Minneapolis was 16 hours.
M- Major issue: Gay marriage. I think the people deserve the right to vote on this themselves.
N- Nicknames: Ev, Seventh Evan, E-dawg (groan), Captain Charisma!
O- One wish: To meet Miss Right or a Roughrider home playoff game. I honestly can't choose between the two! LOL
P- Phobia: Heights. Leaning over the edge at West Edmonton Mall makes me naseous.
Q- Quote: "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." (Jean Chretien)
R- Reasons to smile: Halfway to a Master's degree...
S- Shoe size: I think I asked for an 11 when I went bowling, and I didn't take them back. 11 it is then.
T- Time you woke up today: 11am...I missed church :(
U- Unknown fact about me: I can name all 50 states in one second. Next time you see me, ask me to do it.
V- vegtables: Popeye was on to something with his spinach addiction.
W- Worst Habit: Watching wrestling. It's so stupid, but it's a wonderful departure from my typical day. Something about seeing a dude getting thrown through a flaming table takes your mind off of your problems for those 2 hours.
X- Xmas gift you really want: A laptop...the must-have accessory for this year's graduate student. I could also use an infusion of beef jerky in my stocking.
...wheres Y? Good question. Somebody better get on that, posthaste.
Z-Zodiac sign: I don't waste my time with that crap.
A- Age of your first kiss: I'm told it was in kindergarden. I don't want to say who it was, because she's engaged now and it might get her in trouble! LOL
B- Band you are listening to right now: Queens of the Stone Age. Weird, yet effective.
C- Crush: The one I had just did something incredibly stupid the other I guess I'm starting over from scratch!
D- Drink you drank last: Coca Cola Zero. Weird, yet effective.
E- Easiest person to talk to: Everyone who reads this blog (single tear)
F- Favorite ice cream: Blueberry Cheesecake
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears: Anything gummy gets my seal of approval.
H- Height: On the cusp of 5'11...hope there's one more spurt left in me so I can fulfill my hoop dreams.
I- Instruments: Burping?
J- Jelly Flavor: I have toast once every 3 months or so...but it's grape or lemon when I get the urge.
K- Kids: Babies seem to like my glasses.
L- Longest car/bus ride: I think Dalmeny to Minneapolis was 16 hours.
M- Major issue: Gay marriage. I think the people deserve the right to vote on this themselves.
N- Nicknames: Ev, Seventh Evan, E-dawg (groan), Captain Charisma!
O- One wish: To meet Miss Right or a Roughrider home playoff game. I honestly can't choose between the two! LOL
P- Phobia: Heights. Leaning over the edge at West Edmonton Mall makes me naseous.
Q- Quote: "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." (Jean Chretien)
R- Reasons to smile: Halfway to a Master's degree...
S- Shoe size: I think I asked for an 11 when I went bowling, and I didn't take them back. 11 it is then.
T- Time you woke up today: 11am...I missed church :(
U- Unknown fact about me: I can name all 50 states in one second. Next time you see me, ask me to do it.
V- vegtables: Popeye was on to something with his spinach addiction.
W- Worst Habit: Watching wrestling. It's so stupid, but it's a wonderful departure from my typical day. Something about seeing a dude getting thrown through a flaming table takes your mind off of your problems for those 2 hours.
X- Xmas gift you really want: A laptop...the must-have accessory for this year's graduate student. I could also use an infusion of beef jerky in my stocking.
...wheres Y? Good question. Somebody better get on that, posthaste.
Z-Zodiac sign: I don't waste my time with that crap.
Ev-mietser you old dog! You smooched Erin? Good job! She's a total babe. My guess was Mrs. Ed (As in the wife of the horse.)
Lance, at 12/12/2005 10:16 p.m.
Ahem, let the record show that I kissed Evan, not the other way around. AND after that he ran away from me in the play ground for a long, long time! :o)
Anonymous, at 12/20/2005 6:09 p.m.
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