Something Different
I debated with myself all day long as to whether or not I should make this post. It's a bit out of my comfort zone, and not one of my typically hilarious posts. For that, I apologize in advance! ;)
I don't normally post about religion. I believe in God, I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, I've been baptized upon confession of my faith, I contribute to the offering, and I go to Church regularly (heck, I've turned down blind dates because they're not turning down dates!!), but I've never been comfortable sharing my thoughts on the subject. I don't feel "qualified" to talk about it, and whenever I do say something, it's often awkward and confusing. Maybe this will be too...let's find out!
A fellow co-worker has been a good friend of mine for a year or so... we've hung out with other co-workers, gone to a few concerts, swapped music, and together we constitute almost half of the number of Christians at work. Lately, she's made some unusually bad choices in life...stuff that I've seen first hand on a few occasions. Today, she approached me and apologized to me for not being a "good Christian" recently.
I didn't know what to say. She hasn't wronged me in any way. I don't know the details that made her do what she did or what made her re-evaluate her life, or whether it'll stick. Did she approach me specifically because she thinks I'm a "good Christian"? I told her she didn't need to apologize to me, but she really seemed to want me to accept it I did, just to make her feel better.
Maybe I should be apologizing as well. I don't think I'm a "good Christian" either. I've gotten busier in my daily life, and thus lazier in my spiritual life. I don't read the Bible nearly as much as I did a few years ago. There are huge gaps in between prayers. Sermons about the "end times" tend to excite those around me; personally, they make me uncomfortable and nervous...I don't know why. Maybe it's the over-production of Hollywood? ;)
She realized that she needs to work harder at this. In turn, I realized that I need to work harder at this. We all need to work harder at this.
(I think that actually made sense! Yay me!)
I don't normally post about religion. I believe in God, I believe that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, I've been baptized upon confession of my faith, I contribute to the offering, and I go to Church regularly (heck, I've turned down blind dates because they're not turning down dates!!), but I've never been comfortable sharing my thoughts on the subject. I don't feel "qualified" to talk about it, and whenever I do say something, it's often awkward and confusing. Maybe this will be too...let's find out!
A fellow co-worker has been a good friend of mine for a year or so... we've hung out with other co-workers, gone to a few concerts, swapped music, and together we constitute almost half of the number of Christians at work. Lately, she's made some unusually bad choices in life...stuff that I've seen first hand on a few occasions. Today, she approached me and apologized to me for not being a "good Christian" recently.
I didn't know what to say. She hasn't wronged me in any way. I don't know the details that made her do what she did or what made her re-evaluate her life, or whether it'll stick. Did she approach me specifically because she thinks I'm a "good Christian"? I told her she didn't need to apologize to me, but she really seemed to want me to accept it I did, just to make her feel better.
Maybe I should be apologizing as well. I don't think I'm a "good Christian" either. I've gotten busier in my daily life, and thus lazier in my spiritual life. I don't read the Bible nearly as much as I did a few years ago. There are huge gaps in between prayers. Sermons about the "end times" tend to excite those around me; personally, they make me uncomfortable and nervous...I don't know why. Maybe it's the over-production of Hollywood? ;)
She realized that she needs to work harder at this. In turn, I realized that I need to work harder at this. We all need to work harder at this.
(I think that actually made sense! Yay me!)
Thanx for sharing Ev. I like funny you, but "different" you is nice to see as well. ;)
Anonymous, at 1/19/2006 12:17 a.m.
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