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My first cold of the year struck at the perfect time. I wasn't sick enough to miss work yesterday, but once I got there, I felt as though my brain had walked out on my body and left me dangling there...for 5 hours.
Had to miss class today because my constant coughing, sneezing and nose blowing would have distracted the class. I have an exam tomorrow, and I need to be there no matter what...but I'm finding it hard to concentrate on this bloody stuff.
Wanted to go see the Trews concert next week, but that's the first night I get to close the grocery store all by myself. I'm so not ready to do this, but they figure that since I've been there a long time, training shouldn't take as long...okey dokey...
No school next week. I'll either work way ahead, or do nothing. I'm betting on the latter.
Is it normal to think one is turning their car's steering wheel too much? I'm not automotivelly-inclined, but might there be something wrong with that? It feels like I've been steering my car like a pirate ship lately.
Stay tuned for a Valentine's Day rant in the coming days...I'd give you all a line to tease you with to make sure you come back for the rest later, but I'm gonna make you all wait ;)
Had to miss class today because my constant coughing, sneezing and nose blowing would have distracted the class. I have an exam tomorrow, and I need to be there no matter what...but I'm finding it hard to concentrate on this bloody stuff.
Wanted to go see the Trews concert next week, but that's the first night I get to close the grocery store all by myself. I'm so not ready to do this, but they figure that since I've been there a long time, training shouldn't take as long...okey dokey...
No school next week. I'll either work way ahead, or do nothing. I'm betting on the latter.
Is it normal to think one is turning their car's steering wheel too much? I'm not automotivelly-inclined, but might there be something wrong with that? It feels like I've been steering my car like a pirate ship lately.
Stay tuned for a Valentine's Day rant in the coming days...I'd give you all a line to tease you with to make sure you come back for the rest later, but I'm gonna make you all wait ;)
Hey Ev, I kinda know car stuff a bit. You may need a wheel alignment, or your little steering arm thingies might be worn out. Hopefully it's a wheel alignment, because that's way cheaper than the steering arms
Lance, at 2/10/2006 4:06 p.m.
PIRATE SHIP!!!! i love it!!!! Ev you kill me!
Anonymous, at 2/12/2006 11:58 p.m.
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