"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I feel a rant coming on....

I will precede the "main event" rant with one small, totally unrelated one.

Dear Hinder, your song "Lips on an Angel" SUCKS. The video SUCKS. Hearing it all the time on the radio SUCKS. I %$&^%#^# despise that song. That song is so schmaltzy it makes Moon River sound like a farting orangutan! (credit: Homer Simpson).

OK, the main event...

You know you live in Saskatoon when you complain about the rate of snow removal. Don't give me this baloney about the city not being prepared for such an early snowfall. It's SASKATCHEWAN!; I'm surprised it didn't snow on Labour Day! Briarwood hasn't been plowed once this year, and the only way the streets are remotely passable here is because cars need go to work and, eventually, the sun chooses to shine. Hire the people who plow mall parking lots for cripes sakes if you need to...I'd like to be able to back out of my driveway someday soon.

This rant would have been even more venomous had today been Valentine's Day as well!


  • I don't think they do too bad of a job. My street gets done quite frequently (giggles). Then again I'm on a bus street so they do it more frequently. Not to brag or anything, but more to say if you live in the burbs...it's just one of those things! :o)

    I'm off to Calgary at the end of this month...luckily with the internet I can still read this!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/29/2006 4:58 p.m.  

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