Valentine's Schmalentines
I do not wish to offend you married people or those in great maybe you should stop reading now or accept my apology in advance ;)
(Rant Mode On)
Some may see this upcoming rant as being a typical single man's rant given this time of contraire, I retort. I would be ranting and raving even if I was dating.
So tomorrow is Valentine's Day...or perhaps more appropriately, Singles Awareness Day. Bah humbug, phooey, etcetera and so on and so forth.
Today at work I had to sign for 15 boxes full of roses and other stuff that smells like dirt and water to me. We have a crapload of useless Valentine's candy. People, it's just regular candy in a different, more expensive box. I can't believe how many people fall for that. The companies that are able to exploit these poor saps deserve every penny they get.
Still, it's a shame that a lot of people use February 14th as the only day of the year where they treat their significant other with proper respect and attention. If this happened a lot more often, we wouldn't need this stupid day.
This single man will be spending the day doing something constructive: I'll work on my thesis and earn some money at work. Hell, I might even spoil myself and treat myself to something nice. And I'll feel that much more smarter for not buying some monkeyass product that you can buy at any time of the year, but is infinitely more expensive now.
I'll probably be in a crappy, grumpy mood tomorrow because I find the 14th to be a day of people constantly flaunting and bragging. But hey, at least the store will be quiet tomorrow night ;)
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot...
Screw you Hallmark.
(Rant Mode Off)
I will now assume the duck-and-cover position.
(Rant Mode On)
Some may see this upcoming rant as being a typical single man's rant given this time of contraire, I retort. I would be ranting and raving even if I was dating.
So tomorrow is Valentine's Day...or perhaps more appropriately, Singles Awareness Day. Bah humbug, phooey, etcetera and so on and so forth.
Today at work I had to sign for 15 boxes full of roses and other stuff that smells like dirt and water to me. We have a crapload of useless Valentine's candy. People, it's just regular candy in a different, more expensive box. I can't believe how many people fall for that. The companies that are able to exploit these poor saps deserve every penny they get.
Still, it's a shame that a lot of people use February 14th as the only day of the year where they treat their significant other with proper respect and attention. If this happened a lot more often, we wouldn't need this stupid day.
This single man will be spending the day doing something constructive: I'll work on my thesis and earn some money at work. Hell, I might even spoil myself and treat myself to something nice. And I'll feel that much more smarter for not buying some monkeyass product that you can buy at any time of the year, but is infinitely more expensive now.
I'll probably be in a crappy, grumpy mood tomorrow because I find the 14th to be a day of people constantly flaunting and bragging. But hey, at least the store will be quiet tomorrow night ;)
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot...
Screw you Hallmark.
(Rant Mode Off)
I will now assume the duck-and-cover position.
i totally agree ev. nice rant.
matty, at 2/14/2006 2:09 p.m.
haha Ev I love you, you're amazing. hahahaha
Anonymous, at 2/17/2006 8:44 p.m.
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