Weekend Update: with your host...me
I'm stating this now: I plan to be in Vancouver... someway, somehow...to take in the 2010 Olympics. I figure I know what I'll permanently be doing career-wise and where I'll be living by 2008...which then gives me two years to book time off in advance and plan my trip. Who's coming with me?!?!
These Olympics have also further fueled my childhood dream: to ride in a bobsled. I'm dead serious...I really want to do this! Actually, we may have connections that could arrange this sooner rather than later...(can barely contain giddy excitement!)
I'm trying to get as much typing out of the way as I can for my 2 presentations this week now so I can justify getting tickets to go see Theory of a Deadman tomorrow night at Louis'...a concert I just heard about despite campus being my second home. Go figure.
Bonne nuit.
These Olympics have also further fueled my childhood dream: to ride in a bobsled. I'm dead serious...I really want to do this! Actually, we may have connections that could arrange this sooner rather than later...(can barely contain giddy excitement!)
I'm trying to get as much typing out of the way as I can for my 2 presentations this week now so I can justify getting tickets to go see Theory of a Deadman tomorrow night at Louis'...a concert I just heard about despite campus being my second home. Go figure.
Bonne nuit.
DUDE! I'd totally go bobsledding or try skeleton! I think it looks awesome. Lemme know if you get to go! :o)
Anonymous, at 2/27/2006 4:26 p.m.
ima comin.
matty, at 2/27/2006 4:31 p.m.
Vancouver and Olympics..wow..that'd be amazing.
Anonymous, at 3/01/2006 6:25 p.m.
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