Wherefore art thou, Shamrock Shake?
Tomorrow is St.Pattys Day. Going with some friends to the Blades game/stereotrap concert. Somewhere in between waking up and the hockey game, I will attempt to hunt down the rather elusive McDonalds' Shamrock Shake.

I've gotten nothing but blank looks from greasy, zit-faced cashiers for the last few years when I've asked for one around March 17th...

I've gotten nothing but blank looks from greasy, zit-faced cashiers for the last few years when I've asked for one around March 17th...

Did ya find any?
Dana, at 3/18/2006 12:56 p.m.
Hey Ev I'm back from Hawaii with some important info. Remember a coupla blogs ago you were saying coconut milk tastes gross? Well I learned that the initial water you find in a coconut isn't the milk. To milk a coconut, open one up, scrape out the meat and then put all the meat in a cloth or something and squeeze the meat by wringing the cloth. The stuff that comes out of the meat is the milk, and is quite delicious! Wow this is a loooong comment.
Lance, at 3/22/2006 5:25 p.m.
Danner: All I found was blank stares. I had to "settle" for a Rolo shake.
Lancenator: That sounds like too much work! Unfortunately I'm not going to Hawaii anytime soon and thus cannot experience this for myself. I'm still scarred from my experience.
Ev(an), at 3/24/2006 10:21 a.m.
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