I think the title of my post is especially clever.
At 11:30am this morning, I finished my LAST (I promise!) university exam. It was all right...not as good as yesterday's, but solid nonetheless. I have one week left to finish my term paper/interim thesis report, and then I have all summer to chop away at my research project. I don't feel as "free" as I did at this time 2 years ago, but I'll take not coming back to class anymore as a positive!
Thursday was an interesting day. My professor/supervisor cancelled class in the hopes that a few of the grad students would take some free tickets to Regina to watch the provincial budget be delivered in the Legislature. I wasn't planning on going because I could have used the day to study, but I couldn't let three young women go to Regina unescorted! Plus, they'd hit me if I didn't go.
They, and almost everybody in attendance, dressed up for the occasion. I wore my Roughrider hoody (support the province, baby), jeans and dress shoes. We had primo seats in the Speaker's Gallery...all that was missing was a hot-dog vendor. Man, I really wanted a hot dog! Anyhoo, the budget address was informative, but kinda boring since we weren't allowed to boo or clap. The students that applauded the tuition freeze announcement were "rebuked" on live TV by the Speaker, as only elected officials are allowed to participate (LOL). Question Period was entertaining...I can't believe how many adults act like children, shouting over each other. It's even better live than it is on TV! My friend Rhiannon, who served as an intern in the Legistaure last year, gave us a good "unofficial tour" of the Building. Afterwards, we hobnobbed with political elites at a couple of parties afterwards. Well, maybe not hobnobbed...more like saw. I have a picture of me with a rolled up copy of the budget prepared to smack the portrait of Grant Devine...if I can get the picture, I'll post it.
Kinda sad to see the Ottawa Renegades suspend operations for the year, as it brings a halt to the unprecedented level of momemtum the CFL was enjoying. Those fans deserved way better from the league and their goofball ownership. It looks like the Riders will get a much-needed QB in the dispersal draft tomorrow...but just watch, they'll screw that up.
Anyway, I'm taking it easy tonight and am playing some cards. I plan on a nice, long sleep, and then back to hitting the books tomorrow. So many books.
At 11:30am this morning, I finished my LAST (I promise!) university exam. It was all right...not as good as yesterday's, but solid nonetheless. I have one week left to finish my term paper/interim thesis report, and then I have all summer to chop away at my research project. I don't feel as "free" as I did at this time 2 years ago, but I'll take not coming back to class anymore as a positive!
Thursday was an interesting day. My professor/supervisor cancelled class in the hopes that a few of the grad students would take some free tickets to Regina to watch the provincial budget be delivered in the Legislature. I wasn't planning on going because I could have used the day to study, but I couldn't let three young women go to Regina unescorted! Plus, they'd hit me if I didn't go.
They, and almost everybody in attendance, dressed up for the occasion. I wore my Roughrider hoody (support the province, baby), jeans and dress shoes. We had primo seats in the Speaker's Gallery...all that was missing was a hot-dog vendor. Man, I really wanted a hot dog! Anyhoo, the budget address was informative, but kinda boring since we weren't allowed to boo or clap. The students that applauded the tuition freeze announcement were "rebuked" on live TV by the Speaker, as only elected officials are allowed to participate (LOL). Question Period was entertaining...I can't believe how many adults act like children, shouting over each other. It's even better live than it is on TV! My friend Rhiannon, who served as an intern in the Legistaure last year, gave us a good "unofficial tour" of the Building. Afterwards, we hobnobbed with political elites at a couple of parties afterwards. Well, maybe not hobnobbed...more like saw. I have a picture of me with a rolled up copy of the budget prepared to smack the portrait of Grant Devine...if I can get the picture, I'll post it.
Kinda sad to see the Ottawa Renegades suspend operations for the year, as it brings a halt to the unprecedented level of momemtum the CFL was enjoying. Those fans deserved way better from the league and their goofball ownership. It looks like the Riders will get a much-needed QB in the dispersal draft tomorrow...but just watch, they'll screw that up.
Anyway, I'm taking it easy tonight and am playing some cards. I plan on a nice, long sleep, and then back to hitting the books tomorrow. So many books.
And we traded friggin COREY HOLMES for the first draft pick? I know we need Khari Joseph, but man give away Kenton Keith's smarmy ass. Man I'm mad already and the Riders haven't even lost to Hamilton yet.
Lance, at 4/12/2006 9:10 p.m.
Congrats on writing your last exam ever! That must feel good! I have my last one for at least two years (probably longer) on Saturday.
So...what are the plans for next year?
Dana, at 4/13/2006 2:22 p.m.
Lance: Gotta give up quality to get quality. I heard that Holmes wasn't close to signing an extension with us, so may as well get something in return. The other theory I heard was that there's been an agreement that Holmes re-signs with us after the season, and took one for the team.
We need to golf this summer dude...when you're free and when I get better ;)
Dana: Congrats on getting your exam out of the way. My plan is to pass my oral defense by the fall and not to be wearing an apron by the end of the year...I'm not fussy ;)
When you're not busy, drop me a line sometime Danner...I don't think I've seen you since your announcement.
Ev(an), at 4/18/2006 5:13 p.m.
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