Ho Hum
I should be researching, but I have to work at 6...I just don't feel like doing anything useful until then. So I present you with the following time-killing list I ripped off of someone else's blog!
Full Name: Evan "Danger" Richet
Single or Taken: I'm taken with being single
Sex: Not until I'm married ;)
Birthday: June 2/82
Siblings: No siblings, just Colin ;)
Eye color: I think green...I haven't really looked since I was last asked this in elementary school.
Shoe size: 11 fits me for bowling
Height: 5'10, give or take an inch
Innie or Outie: Innie, if we're talking about what I think we're talking about.
What are you wearing right now: Black hoodie, jeans and slippers
Where do you live: Saskamatoon
Righty or lefty: Righty...but I golf lefty. Maybe that's why I'm so bad at golf.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: I can make 7 dollars in change, guaranteed
Who is your closest friend: I don't like ranking friends.
Do you have a BF or GF: NEXT!
Animal: The penguin or the albatross...don't make me choose
Month: Fall is my favourite season...not too hot, not too cold...I'll go with September.
Movie: Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. KHHHAAAAAAANNNNNN!
Breakfast: French Toast...a nod to my ancestors
Favorite cartoon character: Yosemite Sam
Have you ever
Given anyone a bath: Wow, I can honestly say I didn't see this one coming.
Smoked: No, and never will. Filthy, disgusting habit.
Bungee jump: I'll take a pass for as long as I live.
Made yourself throw-up: From endlessly coughing due to a tickle in my throat? Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: Nooooo...
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Yes, but it was more of a shovel than a pole.
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Nay.
Broken a bone: No. I thank drinking milk for that.
Played truth or dare: I've never been at a all-girl sleepover before, so no.
Been in a physical fight: I once threw Jordan Buzinsky into a locker and ran away. Quickest fight in elementary school history. And I won.
Been in a police car: No. I've seen one driving down the road though.
Been on a plane: Not as often as other people. Good peanuts, I must say.
Come close to dying?: I would have been bitten by a black widow spider in the soup package I was planning to unpack at work had I not gone for my break. Thankfully the guy who did open it was an insect expert and recognized what it was right away.
Been in a sauna: A long time ago when I was taking swimming lessons...and when I thought girls had cooties. Oh, how I wish I could change the past lol
Been in a hot tub: If it's with people, I put my feet in. I prefer to lounge in my hot tub by myself.
Swam in the ocean: I chased after the waves in Florida. The waves chased me back.
Fallen asleep in school: You mean have I fallen asleep in Sociology 110? Yes.
Broken someone's heart: Not to my knowledge lol
Cried when someone died: I've been truly blessed by the fact that no one really close to me has passed away. My great-grandmother passed away a few years ago, but she was in her 90s, and it was more of a celebration of her life and that she's in a better place. A lot of people don't get the chance to interact with their great-grandparents...I've been fortunate.
Cried in school: From laughing. A prof tried to argue how the freedom to listen to music (preferably opera over Britney Spears) is equally important to a person's right to live. I'm dead serious. And this was in a graduate seminar THIS YEAR.
Fell off your chair: Only when I laugh uncontrollably. So...twice a week.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yikes...no.
Saved AIM conversations: I might have one or two special ones somewhere...
Saved e-mails: I keep all of them for no reason. I'm a bit of a technological packrat
Fallen for one of your best friends?: Ummmm...a year or so ago, but I'm really glad I didn't do anything about it.
Made out with JUST a friend?: LOL
Used someone: I sure hope not.
Best song you ever heard: I find myself partial to Chris Benoit's "Whatever" by Our Lady Peace.
What's your room like: Green, lots of papers, too many books and CDs.
What is beside you: Lots of papers, too many books and CDs, and the Great Gazoo.
Last thing u ate: Just Right cereal...I'm gonna go get a Quizno's sub right away.
What kind of shampoo do you use? I dunno...something European? lol
Questions? The things you provide answers to. I'll take Potpourri for $100, Alex...
Do you like picnics: What an odd question.
Who was the last person that called you: I believe it was Dacia wanting me to play poker...but I was typing a paper on Saturday night. I was also watching the Habs game on the French network because I hate watching the Leafs every Saturday night.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: I hate dancing with a passion, but I think it was with Angela at the after-grad party. I remember Mrs. Schatz telling me to look at my partner when I was dancing, but I couldn't because I was so shy! I don't think I've changed much since! LOL
Who makes you laugh the most?: You wouldn't be my friend unless you were funny! Shaun is hysterical.
Who makes you smile? : Everybody. I'm just so doggone happy-go-lucky.
What are you listening to right now?: BOOM! by P.O.D. Here comes the BOOM!
What did you do yesterday?: Scrambled around campus trying to submit my ethics application for my paper, typed up a working bibliography for my supervisor, and had a rather easy night at work.
Good Singer: I hear Stereotrap is looking for a new, less high-maintenance singer ;)
Have a lava lamp: We had a retro one back in Dalmeny...not sure if it moved with us to the city.
Last time you showered: Yesterday morning...will have one before work though.
Scary or happy movies: Scary movies ain't my thang, but I don't want movies to be too gushy happy either. They either have to be outright stupid or weave a clever web of deception.
Summer or winter: Fall.
Diamond or pearl: Buh?
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise...sunset! SunriseSunsetSunriseSunset! (sun shatters)
Sprite or 7up: 7UP by a furlong.
Orange juice or apple juice: Apple Juice by 2 furlongs.
Coffee or tea: I despise both by 3 furlongs.
Phone or in person: I absolutely hate using the phone. That's why a lot of you never hear from me! LOL
Indoor or outdoor?: Now is nice enough for me to be outdoors. Anything over 25 and I'd prefer to stay inside. Heat does not agree with me.
Full Name: Evan "Danger" Richet
Single or Taken: I'm taken with being single
Sex: Not until I'm married ;)
Birthday: June 2/82
Siblings: No siblings, just Colin ;)
Eye color: I think green...I haven't really looked since I was last asked this in elementary school.
Shoe size: 11 fits me for bowling
Height: 5'10, give or take an inch
Innie or Outie: Innie, if we're talking about what I think we're talking about.
What are you wearing right now: Black hoodie, jeans and slippers
Where do you live: Saskamatoon
Righty or lefty: Righty...but I golf lefty. Maybe that's why I'm so bad at golf.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: I can make 7 dollars in change, guaranteed
Who is your closest friend: I don't like ranking friends.
Do you have a BF or GF: NEXT!
Animal: The penguin or the albatross...don't make me choose
Month: Fall is my favourite season...not too hot, not too cold...I'll go with September.
Movie: Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. KHHHAAAAAAANNNNNN!
Breakfast: French Toast...a nod to my ancestors
Favorite cartoon character: Yosemite Sam
Have you ever
Given anyone a bath: Wow, I can honestly say I didn't see this one coming.
Smoked: No, and never will. Filthy, disgusting habit.
Bungee jump: I'll take a pass for as long as I live.
Made yourself throw-up: From endlessly coughing due to a tickle in my throat? Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: Nooooo...
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Yes, but it was more of a shovel than a pole.
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Nay.
Broken a bone: No. I thank drinking milk for that.
Played truth or dare: I've never been at a all-girl sleepover before, so no.
Been in a physical fight: I once threw Jordan Buzinsky into a locker and ran away. Quickest fight in elementary school history. And I won.
Been in a police car: No. I've seen one driving down the road though.
Been on a plane: Not as often as other people. Good peanuts, I must say.
Come close to dying?: I would have been bitten by a black widow spider in the soup package I was planning to unpack at work had I not gone for my break. Thankfully the guy who did open it was an insect expert and recognized what it was right away.
Been in a sauna: A long time ago when I was taking swimming lessons...and when I thought girls had cooties. Oh, how I wish I could change the past lol
Been in a hot tub: If it's with people, I put my feet in. I prefer to lounge in my hot tub by myself.
Swam in the ocean: I chased after the waves in Florida. The waves chased me back.
Fallen asleep in school: You mean have I fallen asleep in Sociology 110? Yes.
Broken someone's heart: Not to my knowledge lol
Cried when someone died: I've been truly blessed by the fact that no one really close to me has passed away. My great-grandmother passed away a few years ago, but she was in her 90s, and it was more of a celebration of her life and that she's in a better place. A lot of people don't get the chance to interact with their great-grandparents...I've been fortunate.
Cried in school: From laughing. A prof tried to argue how the freedom to listen to music (preferably opera over Britney Spears) is equally important to a person's right to live. I'm dead serious. And this was in a graduate seminar THIS YEAR.
Fell off your chair: Only when I laugh uncontrollably. So...twice a week.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yikes...no.
Saved AIM conversations: I might have one or two special ones somewhere...
Saved e-mails: I keep all of them for no reason. I'm a bit of a technological packrat
Fallen for one of your best friends?: Ummmm...a year or so ago, but I'm really glad I didn't do anything about it.
Made out with JUST a friend?: LOL
Used someone: I sure hope not.
Best song you ever heard: I find myself partial to Chris Benoit's "Whatever" by Our Lady Peace.
What's your room like: Green, lots of papers, too many books and CDs.
What is beside you: Lots of papers, too many books and CDs, and the Great Gazoo.
Last thing u ate: Just Right cereal...I'm gonna go get a Quizno's sub right away.
What kind of shampoo do you use? I dunno...something European? lol
Questions? The things you provide answers to. I'll take Potpourri for $100, Alex...
Do you like picnics: What an odd question.
Who was the last person that called you: I believe it was Dacia wanting me to play poker...but I was typing a paper on Saturday night. I was also watching the Habs game on the French network because I hate watching the Leafs every Saturday night.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: I hate dancing with a passion, but I think it was with Angela at the after-grad party. I remember Mrs. Schatz telling me to look at my partner when I was dancing, but I couldn't because I was so shy! I don't think I've changed much since! LOL
Who makes you laugh the most?: You wouldn't be my friend unless you were funny! Shaun is hysterical.
Who makes you smile? : Everybody. I'm just so doggone happy-go-lucky.
What are you listening to right now?: BOOM! by P.O.D. Here comes the BOOM!
What did you do yesterday?: Scrambled around campus trying to submit my ethics application for my paper, typed up a working bibliography for my supervisor, and had a rather easy night at work.
Good Singer: I hear Stereotrap is looking for a new, less high-maintenance singer ;)
Have a lava lamp: We had a retro one back in Dalmeny...not sure if it moved with us to the city.
Last time you showered: Yesterday morning...will have one before work though.
Scary or happy movies: Scary movies ain't my thang, but I don't want movies to be too gushy happy either. They either have to be outright stupid or weave a clever web of deception.
Summer or winter: Fall.
Diamond or pearl: Buh?
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise...sunset! SunriseSunsetSunriseSunset! (sun shatters)
Sprite or 7up: 7UP by a furlong.
Orange juice or apple juice: Apple Juice by 2 furlongs.
Coffee or tea: I despise both by 3 furlongs.
Phone or in person: I absolutely hate using the phone. That's why a lot of you never hear from me! LOL
Indoor or outdoor?: Now is nice enough for me to be outdoors. Anything over 25 and I'd prefer to stay inside. Heat does not agree with me.
Oh my goodness Ev - I didn't know yo beat up Jordan Buzinsky!!! Good for you.
I totally agree with you about sleeping through Soc.110. So boring.
Hey, did you know it was me yelling at you at Kirk Hall on Wed?
Take care...
Dana, at 4/20/2006 2:27 p.m.
LOL I was in such a hurry that I didn't know who I was waving at! The voice in the distance sounded familiar, but I didn't recognize the car! Sorry I didn't recognize you Danner! Hope all is well...
Ev(an), at 4/20/2006 3:21 p.m.
Ok, ok...now take it easy on Sociology 110 Sociology is my first degree :) I'd say falling asleep in poli sci would be easier ;)
Anonymous, at 4/21/2006 1:01 p.m.
Sociology sounds like an easy class to fall asleep in. So does philosophy and all those other flower-picking hippy classes. I remember falling asleep in English class in High School. Something about Bartel's Magical Drone, I guess
Lance, at 4/25/2006 2:39 p.m.
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