"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ho Hum

I should be researching, but I have to work at 6...I just don't feel like doing anything useful until then. So I present you with the following time-killing list I ripped off of someone else's blog!

Full Name: Evan "Danger" Richet
Single or Taken: I'm taken with being single
Sex: Not until I'm married ;)
Birthday: June 2/82
Siblings: No siblings, just Colin ;)
Eye color: I think green...I haven't really looked since I was last asked this in elementary school.
Shoe size: 11 fits me for bowling
Height: 5'10, give or take an inch
Innie or Outie: Innie, if we're talking about what I think we're talking about.
What are you wearing right now: Black hoodie, jeans and slippers
Where do you live: Saskamatoon
Righty or lefty: Righty...but I golf lefty. Maybe that's why I'm so bad at golf.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: I can make 7 dollars in change, guaranteed
Who is your closest friend: I don't like ranking friends.
Do you have a BF or GF: NEXT!

Animal: The penguin or the albatross...don't make me choose
Month: Fall is my favourite season...not too hot, not too cold...I'll go with September.
Movie: Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. KHHHAAAAAAANNNNNN!
Breakfast: French Toast...a nod to my ancestors
Favorite cartoon character: Yosemite Sam

Have you ever

Given anyone a bath: Wow, I can honestly say I didn't see this one coming.
Smoked: No, and never will. Filthy, disgusting habit.
Bungee jump: I'll take a pass for as long as I live.
Made yourself throw-up: From endlessly coughing due to a tickle in my throat? Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: Nooooo...
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Yes, but it was more of a shovel than a pole.
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Nay.
Broken a bone: No. I thank drinking milk for that.
Played truth or dare: I've never been at a all-girl sleepover before, so no.
Been in a physical fight: I once threw Jordan Buzinsky into a locker and ran away. Quickest fight in elementary school history. And I won.
Been in a police car: No. I've seen one driving down the road though.
Been on a plane: Not as often as other people. Good peanuts, I must say.
Come close to dying?: I would have been bitten by a black widow spider in the soup package I was planning to unpack at work had I not gone for my break. Thankfully the guy who did open it was an insect expert and recognized what it was right away.
Been in a sauna: A long time ago when I was taking swimming lessons...and when I thought girls had cooties. Oh, how I wish I could change the past lol
Been in a hot tub: If it's with people, I put my feet in. I prefer to lounge in my hot tub by myself.
Swam in the ocean: I chased after the waves in Florida. The waves chased me back.
Fallen asleep in school: You mean have I fallen asleep in Sociology 110? Yes.
Broken someone's heart: Not to my knowledge lol
Cried when someone died: I've been truly blessed by the fact that no one really close to me has passed away. My great-grandmother passed away a few years ago, but she was in her 90s, and it was more of a celebration of her life and that she's in a better place. A lot of people don't get the chance to interact with their great-grandparents...I've been fortunate.
Cried in school: From laughing. A prof tried to argue how the freedom to listen to music (preferably opera over Britney Spears) is equally important to a person's right to live. I'm dead serious. And this was in a graduate seminar THIS YEAR.
Fell off your chair: Only when I laugh uncontrollably. So...twice a week.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yikes...no.
Saved AIM conversations: I might have one or two special ones somewhere...
Saved e-mails: I keep all of them for no reason. I'm a bit of a technological packrat
Fallen for one of your best friends?: Ummmm...a year or so ago, but I'm really glad I didn't do anything about it.
Made out with JUST a friend?: LOL
Used someone: I sure hope not.
Best song you ever heard: I find myself partial to Chris Benoit's "Whatever" by Our Lady Peace.
What's your room like: Green, lots of papers, too many books and CDs.
What is beside you: Lots of papers, too many books and CDs, and the Great Gazoo.
Last thing u ate: Just Right cereal...I'm gonna go get a Quizno's sub right away.
What kind of shampoo do you use? I dunno...something European? lol

Questions? The things you provide answers to. I'll take Potpourri for $100, Alex...
Do you like picnics: What an odd question.
Who was the last person that called you: I believe it was Dacia wanting me to play poker...but I was typing a paper on Saturday night. I was also watching the Habs game on the French network because I hate watching the Leafs every Saturday night.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: I hate dancing with a passion, but I think it was with Angela at the after-grad party. I remember Mrs. Schatz telling me to look at my partner when I was dancing, but I couldn't because I was so shy! I don't think I've changed much since! LOL
Who makes you laugh the most?: You wouldn't be my friend unless you were funny! Shaun is hysterical.
Who makes you smile? : Everybody. I'm just so doggone happy-go-lucky.
What are you listening to right now?: BOOM! by P.O.D. Here comes the BOOM!
What did you do yesterday?: Scrambled around campus trying to submit my ethics application for my paper, typed up a working bibliography for my supervisor, and had a rather easy night at work.
Good Singer: I hear Stereotrap is looking for a new, less high-maintenance singer ;)
Have a lava lamp: We had a retro one back in Dalmeny...not sure if it moved with us to the city.
Last time you showered: Yesterday morning...will have one before work though.
Scary or happy movies: Scary movies ain't my thang, but I don't want movies to be too gushy happy either. They either have to be outright stupid or weave a clever web of deception.
Summer or winter: Fall.
Diamond or pearl: Buh?
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise...sunset! SunriseSunsetSunriseSunset! (sun shatters)
Sprite or 7up: 7UP by a furlong.
Orange juice or apple juice: Apple Juice by 2 furlongs.
Coffee or tea: I despise both by 3 furlongs.
Phone or in person: I absolutely hate using the phone. That's why a lot of you never hear from me! LOL
Indoor or outdoor?: Now is nice enough for me to be outdoors. Anything over 25 and I'd prefer to stay inside. Heat does not agree with me.


  • Oh my goodness Ev - I didn't know yo beat up Jordan Buzinsky!!! Good for you.
    I totally agree with you about sleeping through Soc.110. So boring.
    Hey, did you know it was me yelling at you at Kirk Hall on Wed?
    Take care...

    By Blogger Dana, at 4/20/2006 2:27 p.m.  

  • LOL I was in such a hurry that I didn't know who I was waving at! The voice in the distance sounded familiar, but I didn't recognize the car! Sorry I didn't recognize you Danner! Hope all is well...

    By Blogger Ev(an), at 4/20/2006 3:21 p.m.  

  • Ok, ok...now take it easy on Sociology 110 Sociology is my first degree :) I'd say falling asleep in poli sci would be easier ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/21/2006 1:01 p.m.  

  • Sociology sounds like an easy class to fall asleep in. So does philosophy and all those other flower-picking hippy classes. I remember falling asleep in English class in High School. Something about Bartel's Magical Drone, I guess

    By Blogger Lance, at 4/25/2006 2:39 p.m.  

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