Spent a relaxing day on the deck with Shaun and Chalsea, complete with BBQ burgers, steak, mashed potatoes, chips, pop and raspberry cheesecake. This cooking for yourself thing is pretty fun, I must say. I need to find a novelty apron to complete my look.
Going to see Our Lady Peace on Wednesday, and then Sam Roberts a week or so later. I guess this means I need to work harder on my thesis than I did this week so I can justify having fun at these events ;)
Need to kill time before bed, so here's another list! LOL
A - Available?: For what?
A - Age?: 23...will be 24 in a month or so. Shudder.
A - Annoyance?: I have a new one. People who turn left when leaving a parking lot, but leave you no room if you want to exit right.
B - Best Friends?: Everyone who reads my blog.
B - Bar?: Chocolate.
B - Birthday?: June 2. Anyone want to go see the opening of Nacho Libre with me?
C - Crush?: Orange.
C - Car?: Red Cavalier.
C - Cat?: ALF thinks they taste good.
D - Dead Pets Name?: Never had a I'm spared from those painful memories.
D - Dads Name?: Bruce
D - Dogs Name?: Benji. That sounds like a dog's name.
E - Easiest person to talk to?: Simon. You never run out of things to talk about with Simon.
E - Eggs?: Scrambled..and they taste better if you do that in a pan where you just fried up some bacon.
E - Email?: Ask me nicely.
F - Favorite color?: Green
F - Food?: Pizza.
F - Foreign Slang?: Aie! (In a French shriek)
G - Gummy Bears or Worms?: Bears. Only freaks eat worms.
G - God?: Most definitely.
G - Good Time?: Watching sports and/or laughing.
H - Hair Color?: Light brown with blonde highlights. I might have a surprise for y'all the next time I go for a haircut though...
H - Height?: 5'10?
H - Happy?: Well I don't feel terrible, so sure.
I - Ice Cream?: Ben and Jerry's was on sale (finally!) this week, and I love the Half-Baked product (brownie batter and cookie dough)
I - Instrument?: Used to be piano and trombone, then nothing for the longest time, but want to get a drum kit after I graduate.
I - Idol?: Don't have any.
J - Jewelry?: Expensive, and not looking forward to buying it in the future lol
J - Job?: Stock boy, but now with power to boss people around lol
J - Joke?: The price of gas. Oh, that's not what the question meant...
K - Kids?: Some day...but not now lol
K - Karate?: I pretend I can.
K - Kite?: Tom Kite...underrated golfer. Cool hat.
L - Longest Car Ride: Weyburn to Minneapolis was 15 hours. I'll never forgive Colin for getting me Skittles instead of a much needed drink at the last rest stop before Minneapolis.
L - Longest Relationship: NEXT!
L - Last Person you spoke to on the phone: Shaun, asking me if I had Montreal steak spice for tyhe steak he wanted to grill. I had none.
M - Milk Flavor: Ummmm....milk?
M - Mothers Name: Linda
M - Movie Last Watched: 16 Blocks
N - Number of Siblings: One. Will accept trade LOL
N - Northern or Southern: Let's go Nor-rth! (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!!)
N - Name: Evan...AKA The Franchise, AKA The Big Easy
O - ONE Wish?: Drive a bobsled, meet the girl of my dreams. Whatever's cheapest ;)
O - One Phobia?: Heights. I get queasy looking over the railing at West Edmonton Mall.
O - Only goal: Get this freakin' thesis out of the way so I can settle into a career.
P - Parents, are they married or divorced: 25+ years married. They're bucking the trend!
P - Part of your appearance you like best: People tell me that they wish they had my eyelashes. Odd, but i'll say eyelashes.
P - Part of your personality you like best: I like to think I'm easy to get along with.
Q - Quote: "If the Flintstones has taught us anything, it's that pelicans can be used to mix cement"--Homer Simpson
Q - Question for the next person: Hey, who's the next person?
Q - Quick or Slow?: Who said that?
R - Reason to smile: The Riders have a QB!
R - Reality TV Show: BOO! HISS!
R - Right or Left: Right handed, right wing.
S - Song Last Heard: "Baby Hates me"--Danko Jones
S - Season: Fallllllllllll.
S - Sex: I'm a dude.
T - Time you woke up: 10:30 A.M. lol
T - Time Now: 11:41 P.M.
T - Time for bed: As soon as I finish, you silly list.
U - Unknown Facts about me: I like calamari.
U - Unicorns?: Would have had one on the BBQ today, but the grocery clerk I asked told me they were sold out.
U - U are......?: Getting tired.
V - Vegetable you hate: Just one? Tomatoes.
V - Vegetable you love: Spinach.
V - View on Politics: It's my major. It's all good.
W- Worst Habits: Biting my fingernails and procrastination.
W- What do you wanna be when you grow up: A guy in government who's able to be creative, with air-conditioning, weekends off and to be well-compensated.
W- Where are you traveling to next?: Hopefully it's Montreal. Realistically? Regina.
X - X-Rays: I think the last one was when I sprained my foot badly playing basketball a few years ago.
X - X-Rated Porn: Not a career choice I'm envisioning, even if there is air-conditioning, weekends off and fair compensation.
X - X-Files: Liked the conspiracy/alien episodes, but couldn't watch the supernatural stuff.
Y - Year you were born: 1982
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow?: Are you calling me yella? I challenge you to a duel!!
Z - Zoo Animal: Monkeys make me chortle.
Z - Zodiac: Zzzzzzzzzzz......
Z - Zest: Zest for life...and more of it. (end on a high note)
Going to see Our Lady Peace on Wednesday, and then Sam Roberts a week or so later. I guess this means I need to work harder on my thesis than I did this week so I can justify having fun at these events ;)
Need to kill time before bed, so here's another list! LOL
A - Available?: For what?
A - Age?: 23...will be 24 in a month or so. Shudder.
A - Annoyance?: I have a new one. People who turn left when leaving a parking lot, but leave you no room if you want to exit right.
B - Best Friends?: Everyone who reads my blog.
B - Bar?: Chocolate.
B - Birthday?: June 2. Anyone want to go see the opening of Nacho Libre with me?
C - Crush?: Orange.
C - Car?: Red Cavalier.
C - Cat?: ALF thinks they taste good.
D - Dead Pets Name?: Never had a I'm spared from those painful memories.
D - Dads Name?: Bruce
D - Dogs Name?: Benji. That sounds like a dog's name.
E - Easiest person to talk to?: Simon. You never run out of things to talk about with Simon.
E - Eggs?: Scrambled..and they taste better if you do that in a pan where you just fried up some bacon.
E - Email?: Ask me nicely.
F - Favorite color?: Green
F - Food?: Pizza.
F - Foreign Slang?: Aie! (In a French shriek)
G - Gummy Bears or Worms?: Bears. Only freaks eat worms.
G - God?: Most definitely.
G - Good Time?: Watching sports and/or laughing.
H - Hair Color?: Light brown with blonde highlights. I might have a surprise for y'all the next time I go for a haircut though...
H - Height?: 5'10?
H - Happy?: Well I don't feel terrible, so sure.
I - Ice Cream?: Ben and Jerry's was on sale (finally!) this week, and I love the Half-Baked product (brownie batter and cookie dough)
I - Instrument?: Used to be piano and trombone, then nothing for the longest time, but want to get a drum kit after I graduate.
I - Idol?: Don't have any.
J - Jewelry?: Expensive, and not looking forward to buying it in the future lol
J - Job?: Stock boy, but now with power to boss people around lol
J - Joke?: The price of gas. Oh, that's not what the question meant...
K - Kids?: Some day...but not now lol
K - Karate?: I pretend I can.
K - Kite?: Tom Kite...underrated golfer. Cool hat.
L - Longest Car Ride: Weyburn to Minneapolis was 15 hours. I'll never forgive Colin for getting me Skittles instead of a much needed drink at the last rest stop before Minneapolis.
L - Longest Relationship: NEXT!
L - Last Person you spoke to on the phone: Shaun, asking me if I had Montreal steak spice for tyhe steak he wanted to grill. I had none.
M - Milk Flavor: Ummmm....milk?
M - Mothers Name: Linda
M - Movie Last Watched: 16 Blocks
N - Number of Siblings: One. Will accept trade LOL
N - Northern or Southern: Let's go Nor-rth! (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!!)
N - Name: Evan...AKA The Franchise, AKA The Big Easy
O - ONE Wish?: Drive a bobsled, meet the girl of my dreams. Whatever's cheapest ;)
O - One Phobia?: Heights. I get queasy looking over the railing at West Edmonton Mall.
O - Only goal: Get this freakin' thesis out of the way so I can settle into a career.
P - Parents, are they married or divorced: 25+ years married. They're bucking the trend!
P - Part of your appearance you like best: People tell me that they wish they had my eyelashes. Odd, but i'll say eyelashes.
P - Part of your personality you like best: I like to think I'm easy to get along with.
Q - Quote: "If the Flintstones has taught us anything, it's that pelicans can be used to mix cement"--Homer Simpson
Q - Question for the next person: Hey, who's the next person?
Q - Quick or Slow?: Who said that?
R - Reason to smile: The Riders have a QB!
R - Reality TV Show: BOO! HISS!
R - Right or Left: Right handed, right wing.
S - Song Last Heard: "Baby Hates me"--Danko Jones
S - Season: Fallllllllllll.
S - Sex: I'm a dude.
T - Time you woke up: 10:30 A.M. lol
T - Time Now: 11:41 P.M.
T - Time for bed: As soon as I finish, you silly list.
U - Unknown Facts about me: I like calamari.
U - Unicorns?: Would have had one on the BBQ today, but the grocery clerk I asked told me they were sold out.
U - U are......?: Getting tired.
V - Vegetable you hate: Just one? Tomatoes.
V - Vegetable you love: Spinach.
V - View on Politics: It's my major. It's all good.
W- Worst Habits: Biting my fingernails and procrastination.
W- What do you wanna be when you grow up: A guy in government who's able to be creative, with air-conditioning, weekends off and to be well-compensated.
W- Where are you traveling to next?: Hopefully it's Montreal. Realistically? Regina.
X - X-Rays: I think the last one was when I sprained my foot badly playing basketball a few years ago.
X - X-Rated Porn: Not a career choice I'm envisioning, even if there is air-conditioning, weekends off and fair compensation.
X - X-Files: Liked the conspiracy/alien episodes, but couldn't watch the supernatural stuff.
Y - Year you were born: 1982
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow?: Are you calling me yella? I challenge you to a duel!!
Z - Zoo Animal: Monkeys make me chortle.
Z - Zodiac: Zzzzzzzzzzz......
Z - Zest: Zest for life...and more of it. (end on a high note)
Ev, you forgot the BOO to go along with the AIEEEEE!
I still say that sometimes too...gotta love those french tapes, huh?
Anonymous, at 5/01/2006 5:36 p.m.
wow, that comment made me feel like I was in French class again. I think the common English expression 'deja vu' accurately describes my reaction to remembering the BOO...AIEEE thing.
brendo, at 5/02/2006 9:36 p.m.
I will go to Nacho Libre if I don't work that day. Something about sweaty men in masks and tights..... makes me want to throw up, a bit.
Lance, at 5/02/2006 10:15 p.m.
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