"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Public Service Announcement

Whenever I buy a CD, I play it a few times and get tired of it rather quickly and stow it away for a lengthy period of time...perhaps never to be picked up again.

That's not the case with the new Switchfoot CD. I've played it non-stop for the last week and a half and I'm still not tired of it.

Buy it. Buy it now.


Monday, September 19, 2005

I had fun...in REGINA!?!?

Went on a road trip to Regina to see a Rider game yesterday with a few co-workers of mine: Melody and Chalsea (girls who are willing to use their day off to go watch football get high praise in my books) and my buddy Shaun (who also doubles as one of my bosses).

The drive to and from Regina was great. Typically I don't allow country music in my car, but I kept getting punched from the backseat, so I relented. Mad-libs are a great way to break the ice on a road trip. Nouns are quite hilarious. Adverbs are overrated. Shaun made the mistake of bringing his high-school yearbook along as well...big blunder!

The girls couldn't wait an extra hour to eat, so we had to pull over in Chamberlain for snacks. Does anyone LIVE in Chamberlain? All I saw was gas stations and restaurants. Maybe the people that work there sleep in their stores there too? I should have asked one of the locals.

We arrived an hour and a half early hoping to get a free parking spot that didn't require parallel parking. Mission accomplished. We then killed time at Humpty's. I bet the girls that they couldn't finish their poutine. I've never seen anyone finish their plate of poutine, no matter the size. Of course, none of them finished. Blame Chamberlain. I knew I should have put money on the table!

This was my first Rider game of the year, and Melody's first game EVER. How can you live in Saskatchewan this long and not go to a Rider game? She picked up on the rules of the game quite nicely. She's hooked. It took Chalsea a little while to get into the flow of the game, but I assumed she was building up to the 4th quarter. She's like Popeye...but instead of spinach, substitute licorice. That did the trick nicely.

Twas a good game...perhaps the most fun I've had at Taylor Field in years. Plenty of offense on both sides (especially from us, which surprised me), and there were some big defensive plays. Edmonton's special teams were an absolute gong show...one dropped punt, one blocked punt, 2 missed field goals, and of course the huge blocked field goal on the final play of the game. It was the most unexpected ending I've ever witnessed live, because I had resigned myself to the fact that we had blown yet another game. It was also the largest shriek I have ever emitted in my life when Morgan blocked the kick. Taylor Field went absolutely bananas! LOVED IT.

The worst part about Taylor Field is the mad rush down the ramps to get out after the game. Melody and Shaun got way ahead of Chalsea and I, and then Chalsea fell way behind me out of nowhere. I found the other 2 when I stumbled outside, but Chalsea was nowhere to be found. We waited several minutes until I went back in to look for her...couldn't find her. Shaun and I then circled the whole stadium until we found her on her cell-phone, just behind the corner from where we started our search, of course...

Melody and Shaun wanted to get some drinks, and I wanted the free Cokes that come with being a designated driver, so we found a hotel lounge to hang out at after the game. I let Chalsea borrow my car (what was I thinking? lol) to go pick up her cousin who lived a minute or two away, and he joined us for supper. Then we went to his house for a little bit and hung out...his 2 dogs like to fight. Good times.

Had a little trouble staying alert on the road on the way back, but the girls constantly nagging me to pull over and let them drive motivated me to finish the job! Thank goodness Shaun came, as he served many roles on the way back. He was my "is that roadkill?" advisor, kept me awake with some rockin' tunes, and we constantly try to one-up the other with big fancy words. I used lexicon and verbose within minutes, while he could only come up with androgenous...I win.

That's the only fun I'm allowed to have for the rest of the year...unless I develop an enjoyment of reading books (stifling both laughter and tears)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

NHL: The Next Generation

Wow, the NHL I grew up with is starting to disappear. I grew up watching guys like Mark Messier, Ron Francis, Scott Stevens, Al MacInnis, Vincent Damphousse...all of these guys have retired in the last week or so.

Mark Messier: one of the best leaders not only in hockey history, but in sports history.
Ron Francis: very quietly leaves as the NHL's 4th all-time leading scorer.
Scott Stevens: one of the hardest, yet cleanest, hitters to ever play the game.
Al MacInnis: why on earth would a goalie want to get in the way of one of his slapshots from the point?
Vincent Damphousse: love the name.

The Hall of Fame class for 2008 is pretty much set in stone, I'd say.


Tonight was the grad student-faculty reception at MacGuire's. First drink was free...I was the only one who had Pepsi :)

Funniest moment of the night was when one prof came over to our table...there were about 6 of us grad students and another prof at the table. She introduces herself and asks us for our names and what topic area we were studying...even to the professor...to which he responds: "Uhhh...I work in your department, remember?"

Awkward silence.


My 2nd Family

Here's the people I'll get to know too well over the next year. I didn't think I was that tall until I got this picture!

I still wish I had a beard.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Old School

I started my Master's program on Wednesday, a year and a half removed from my Honours degree. I definitely felt the rust in many respects. I forgot how much parking costs. I forgot how crowded the Arts tunnel is during welcome week. I forgot how long the bookstore line is. I forgot how much reading is required of me. I forgot how hard it is to wash ink off the side of my hand after writing furiously for a few hours.

Wednesday was a looonnng day. My head could barely hold in all the information that was being bombarded at me...there's so much stuff that I didn't need to know right now! I also turned down Pearl Jam tickets in the process. Sigh.

I only have class on 2 days: Monday night and most of Wednesday. Don't be fooled: they give me enough work to keep myself busy. I've never been a motivated reader or much of a public speaker...that will have to change. The small numbers in class force you to be more prepared to contribute (which means you have to read, read, read...and here I haven't even finished my Jon Stewart book yet!), and there are numerous assignments that require me to speak for long periods of time.

I'm taking "Readings in Contemporary Political Studies"...my thesis supervisor is teaching this class. Very relaxed atmosphere where he delegates teaching responsibilities to the students. He made me a very interesting offer regarding my thesis topic...I'll fill you in if I accept his offer.

I'm taking "Theories in International Relations" simply because I find that theories of terrorism sounds more interesting that the other class option: learning about Albert Camus...whoever that is...

Then I spend Mondays with Roy...as in former Premier Roy Romanow. I've only had one class with the man, but I'm already impressed. He's very intelligent, humble and willing to share his experiences. I can't believe only 5 out of 12 students are taking this Federalism class...unbelieveable.

The perks of being a graduate student are pretty good too. I have my own mail slot. I have my own Xerox account. I can take library books out for the entire year and no one else can borrow them. I may have to grade papers. I have my own key to the 9th floor library and 8th floor computer lab, mine to access whenever I feel like. We also have a party in our honour on Thursday...me and a guest are invited. If there are any women out there that read this thing and are interested in free food and conversation with strangers, leave a message 8)

Oh yeah, and I'm still working 3 days a week at Extra Foods...probably the only social activity I forsee having during the week for the next year or so! LOL

Stay tuned...this year is gonna be a doozy one way or the other. It'll make for good reading, I promise.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

That was strange...Part Deux

Today we encountered a black widow (potentially lethal?) spider at work. We've been told that they may appear in banana boxes, etc from time to time because of where they're packaged and sent from. This one, however, was found in a case of Campbell's freakin' Soup...the absolute last place where we'd ever thought one would be. Lucky for us that the guy who found and trapped the spider happens to be our resident insect expert. It's trapped in some tupperware, either to be showed off as a trophy or as evidence in a trial...or both ;)

Friday, September 02, 2005

That was strange...

When I was on my break yesterday at work, a security guy came into the staff room with a can of clam chowder. He unpeeled the lid, dug in with his spoon and commenced eating.

Then I noticed that he never even bothered to heat the soup at all. Very interesting indeed.

It immediately reminded me of the episode of Seinfeld where one was spotted eating a chocolate bar with a knife and fork.