"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hey June

That title was the best I could come up with on short notice :)

The staff BBQ on Sunday was pretty good, although a lot of people were tired because they had just finished their shift or else they spent all day volunteering. I must have really been tired (I did both), because I agreed to let my co-workers paint a beard on my face. I have the picture on digital camera, and will share it when we figure out how to download it to my computer. That, and when I'm not lazy. I thought it looked cool. I miss it, actually. From now on, I'll draw on myself before I go out, then wash it off before I go to work! Evan, you genious!

I was trying to think of potential thesis topics today. I looked through previous topics on the University of Regina grad studies website, trying to think of something I could leech off of...I mean, make a sequel out of (good save!). I'm sure these people wrote fantastic papers, and I love the diversity of topics there...but wow, there's nothing there that even remotely interests me! Looks like I'll have to be original. I've been thinking about something along the lines of these topics: Does Canada need the monarchy anymore? Why I believe, in theory, that a minority parliament should work more effectively than a majority parliament? (tough argument given the current political climate, but I think I can make a go out of it).

My birthday is this Thursday. Number 23. Almost halfway to 50! LOL

I don't know why I didn't write this earlier, but Colin got me an early gift a few weeks ago when he was playing at an awards show in Toronto. CFL legend Mike "Pinball" Clemons was the host of the show, and the stereotrap fellas got to hang out with him for a bit. Pinball's the one athlete that nobody can hate. I don't think I've ever seen him without a smile. He's a very motivational, spiritual and inspirational man. Col asked him for an autograph to be made out to me, and apparently he took some time to think about what to write. There's none of those illegible scribbles that today's athletes churn out by the second. Here's what he wrote.

Evan: Expect Great Things!! M. Pinball Clemons

That brought a smile to my face for 2 reasons. One, that's great advice; and two, Col remembered that I liked football! And I'm sure it brought a smile to Col's face too, seeing as though that gift cost him no money whatsoever! LOL

Saturday, May 28, 2005

It's hard thinking of new titles

Just got a letter in the mail saying that the head office of my union's pension plan was burglarized and that computers with vital personal information on thousands of employees nationwide was stolen. My first reaction was "Wow, I'm in a pension plan?" My second thought was "Wow, someone might have my SIN number!" Governments take the weekends off (hence why I'm interested so much in that field), so I have to wait until Monday to call and tell them to keep an eye open for any suspicious activity. I've cut down greatly on my own suspicious activity, so it should be easy to find if someone tries anything. I have no credit cards, so I really have nothing else of value to these people besides my identity LOL

I haven't slept too much the past few days because my presence was required at work early...that and I can't sleep when the sun is shining. For the first time ever, I came in to work early today. Saturday is price changing day. I'm the reason why you either grumble at the outrageous cost of stuff or why you take 2 or more of each animal Typically we get 300 pages of changes (300 pages X10 changes per page=3,000 items requiring a new tag). Today we had 500 pages. If I was to get out of work in time in order to catch the wedding of Kelly Bitner and Nicole Cooper, then I had to come in at 6am. This will never happen again!

Looking forward to the staff BBQ (otherwise known as how to best dispense with leftovers) tomorrow evening. I've been "bullied" into volunteering at some point tomorrow after my shift for the general public BBQ, so if you're near the Warman Road Extra Foods around 5pm, chances are that I'll be in a novelty apron flipping burgers (I'm debating whether or not I'm bold enough to bring my "kisses for the cook" apron). Then I'll sit back and let management make supper for me...I intend to be quite the obnoxious customer!

And now for my final thought.

I like peanut butter. I like peanut butter M&Ms even more.

Monday, May 23, 2005

How Evan got his groove back

It figures. The one day I oversleep is the day I miss a call-in from work. Seeing that today was a holiday, that cost me a good 120 bucks! LOL

I had a very productive day at the driving range though. I haven't hit the golf ball this well since I started university...and if we're talking without a tee, then we're going back to high school. I'm making a point of not over-thinking when I'm over the ball...grip it and rip it. Maybe I should employ this method when it comes to skiing. Me and the slopes have some unfinished business...mainly because I never officially finished my business on the bunny hill. Grumble grumble.

What to do with Day Off Number Two? Breakfast, pick up the new Audioslave CD and wash my car is the early plan. That should last me until lunch. Then my schedule is wiiiiiiide open.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

A blog just to confirm that I'm still here

I don't work until Thursday, so I guess I'm getting a later start to my long weekend. I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself ;)

Why is Sunday the hardest day to wake up? It's the one day where I feel I can always sleep longer, but never can because I'm either going to work or church. Yet, I'm always up early on my days off...

I just realized that I haven't changed my George W. Bush quotes desk calendar since January 11. Just like Dubya himself, I'm at a loss for words as to why this is.

I'll do another political rant during one of my days off this week. There's certainly enough material from last week to make for a decent post!

Just watched Star Wars Epsiodes 1 and 2 this weekend on CBC. I'm guessing CBC is spending its Hockey Night in Canada money to show better movies. I'm surprised I haven't seen The Money Pit or Sister Act yet...movies I've seen on the CBC for the last 6 years or so!

I bid you all adieu.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Confident that it's not non-confidence?

I assume 98% of the people who read this blog aren't into politics at all...but seeing as though this blog is mine, and that I'm going to write my thesis on politics in some capacity, and that I intend to work in this field someday...well, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it :)

Tonight's "non-confidence" vote in Parliament is political drama at its finest. The Conservatives and the Bloc Quebecois (a partnership that gives me the willies) basically put forth a motion calling on the Liberal(and by association, the NDP) government to resign. The vote was held tonight and that motion passed, 153 yes, 150 no.

This is where it gets interesting. The government is refusing to resign because they don't recognize this vote as a formal vote of non-confidence. The motion called for the Public Accounts Committee (which debates the budget, government finances, etc) to recommend the resignation of the government. OK fine...perhaps it's not formal. But when the budget comes up for a vote soon, it will be an automatic vote of confidence in the government. It that vote fails, the government MUST resign.

And it gets even more interesting. 2 Liberal cabinet minsters were no-shows tonight...which basically tells you how much stock the Liberals put into this vote. You can bet those 2 will show up for future votes. That makes the score 153-152 in favour of the opposition. The future of the government now rests squarely on an independant member from BC who is currently undergoing cancer treatment. If he doesn't show up (he did not tonight), the government is defeated and we have an election. If he shows up and casts a vote for the government, we have a tie. If the latter occurs, the Speaker of the House votes...and he only votes to break a tie. The Speaker is a Liberal. If this happens, the Liberals survive until the end of the year.

Don't tell me that you didn't find that the slight bit interesting ;)

Don't worry...I'll write something stupid soon to please my regular, loyal readers! LOL

Sunday, May 08, 2005

In no particular order...

Check out this cool William Shatner music video...'tis good for a chortle..

I really thought I was strong enough to resist the reality TV craze...but it appears as though I'm caving big time. I watch American Idol and The Apprentice every week, catch as much of the Amazing Race as I can, and am really digging this boxing reality show called "The Contender". Those fighters write a lot of stories both in and out of the ring. My mom doesn't know why I find two guys beating the crap out of each other to be entertaining, but then again, I don't know why she finds Antiques Roadshow to be so entertaining. We've just agreed to shake our heads everytime we pass by the TV ;)

I can't wait for my 2 favourite bands to release their new CDs. Audioslave releases theirs on May 24, and the Foo Fighters on June 14. I've heard some samples from their new stuff, and they're friggin' awesome!

And how cool is this? Someone from hockey-crazy Canada wins the NBA's MVP award! I'm happy and actually somewhat surprised that Steve Nash won the award. He's not as dominant or as flashy as Shaq or Allen Iverson, but he makes everyone around him so much better. He IS the reason why the Suns have gone from missing the playoffs last year to title contender this year. Heck, I would've voted for him based solely on that off-the-head-pass he made to Amare Stoudemire in the dunk contest!

I think I'll pat myself on the back!

As you can see, I've changed the look of my blog. I felt the urge to change it, and seeing as though I had free time tonight, I figured this was a good time-killer. Quite logical, if I don't say so myself.

I somehow found the knowledge to do this successfully. I can't believe I got this right on the first try! If any of my peeps out there knows how to add pictures and such, please impart your wisdom. I lurk on numerous other blogs and am awed by the cool pictures they post...which also fuels my drive to be just as cool.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sith Happens

I just finished reading one of the early reviews for Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Kevin Smith (aka Silent Bob) had one line in particular that has already sold me on this movie.

"This flick is so satisfyingly tragic, you'll think you're watching 'Othello' or Hamlet'."

I'm drooling already. This movie should redeem the first 2 in a big way.

After the nerds are out of the theatre after seeing it 2 or 3 times, then I'll go and take this one in!