"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Weekend Update: with your host...me

I'm stating this now: I plan to be in Vancouver... someway, somehow...to take in the 2010 Olympics. I figure I know what I'll permanently be doing career-wise and where I'll be living by 2008...which then gives me two years to book time off in advance and plan my trip. Who's coming with me?!?!

These Olympics have also further fueled my childhood dream: to ride in a bobsled. I'm dead serious...I really want to do this! Actually, we may have connections that could arrange this sooner rather than later...(can barely contain giddy excitement!)

I'm trying to get as much typing out of the way as I can for my 2 presentations this week now so I can justify getting tickets to go see Theory of a Deadman tomorrow night at Louis'...a concert I just heard about despite campus being my second home. Go figure.

Bonne nuit.

Friday, February 17, 2006

It's closing time...

Tonight was my first night closing up Exrra Foods all by myself. This entails the following: bossing people around; ordering all the food for 2 days from now, which hurts my head as I have to guess what will and will not sell over the next 2 days; making sure the cash and other goodies are safely secured at the end of the night; and setting the alarm and all that jazz...and deal with shoplifters whenever necessary.

All of this for no extra pay! WOOOOOO!

Yet, it's easier on my back and knees, and I bascially get to pick when I close...so far, it's Tuesday and Fridays only. I've paid my dues long enough to not work Saturday night or Sunday ;)

I'm afraid I may not have set the alarm correctly tonight, because I think the parking lot lights are supposed to go off, but they didn't. However, I will sleep easy knowing that no one would dare think about robbing a grocery store when it's freaking' minus 50 outside...I think...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Valentine's Schmalentines

I do not wish to offend you married people or those in great relationships...so maybe you should stop reading now or accept my apology in advance ;)

(Rant Mode On)

Some may see this upcoming rant as being a typical single man's rant given this time of year...au contraire, I retort. I would be ranting and raving even if I was dating.

So tomorrow is Valentine's Day...or perhaps more appropriately, Singles Awareness Day. Bah humbug, phooey, etcetera and so on and so forth.

Today at work I had to sign for 15 boxes full of roses and other stuff that smells like dirt and water to me. We have a crapload of useless Valentine's candy. People, it's just regular candy in a different, more expensive box. I can't believe how many people fall for that. The companies that are able to exploit these poor saps deserve every penny they get.

Still, it's a shame that a lot of people use February 14th as the only day of the year where they treat their significant other with proper respect and attention. If this happened a lot more often, we wouldn't need this stupid day.

This single man will be spending the day doing something constructive: I'll work on my thesis and earn some money at work. Hell, I might even spoil myself and treat myself to something nice. And I'll feel that much more smarter for not buying some monkeyass product that you can buy at any time of the year, but is infinitely more expensive now.

I'll probably be in a crappy, grumpy mood tomorrow because I find the 14th to be a day of people constantly flaunting and bragging. But hey, at least the store will be quiet tomorrow night ;)

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot...

Screw you Hallmark.

(Rant Mode Off)

I will now assume the duck-and-cover position.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My birthday present?

Just came across this while surfing the 'net and taking yet another break from studying.

From the producers of Napoleon Dynamite...NACHO LIBRE!!!

The basic premise of the movie is this: in order to save an orphanage from closure, a priest (Jack Black) dons a mask and moonlights as a luchador. One can only assume that hilarity will ensue!

And to top it all off, it debuts on June 2...my 24th birthday! Hmmm...that's a Friday. Neato.

This blog is brought to you today by: Mucus

My first cold of the year struck at the perfect time. I wasn't sick enough to miss work yesterday, but once I got there, I felt as though my brain had walked out on my body and left me dangling there...for 5 hours.

Had to miss class today because my constant coughing, sneezing and nose blowing would have distracted the class. I have an exam tomorrow, and I need to be there no matter what...but I'm finding it hard to concentrate on this bloody stuff.

Wanted to go see the Trews concert next week, but that's the first night I get to close the grocery store all by myself. I'm so not ready to do this, but they figure that since I've been there a long time, training shouldn't take as long...okey dokey...

No school next week. I'll either work way ahead, or do nothing. I'm betting on the latter.

Is it normal to think one is turning their car's steering wheel too much? I'm not automotivelly-inclined, but might there be something wrong with that? It feels like I've been steering my car like a pirate ship lately.

Stay tuned for a Valentine's Day rant in the coming days...I'd give you all a line to tease you with to make sure you come back for the rest later, but I'm gonna make you all wait ;)


Thursday, February 02, 2006

A pre-Simpsons blog

I have about 20 minutes until the Simpsons comes on, so I thought I'd update this thing.

I was just looking at my course load for the month of February. I have absolutely nothing due, save for a midterm exam next week that I pretty much know what the questions will be. February will be a nice blend of casually working ahead to make March as easy as possible and watching the Olympics. Heavy emphasis on the latter. Winter sports rule...now that football is over...

Nothing interesting has happened lately...no outstanding poker prizes, no dates, and I haven't discovered any new species, I'm afraid. I've been given the master key at work and I should be closing 1 or 2 nights a week relatively soon. Some of you might find that interesting, but I don't...not when I've been there for almost 5 years! Oh yeah, we all got nifty long-sleeve blue shirts for the next month (sarcasm heavily on).

Stereotrap is playing in some capacity at Credit Union Centre during a Blades game on St. Patricks Day...which I believe is on a Friday this year. The Blades have an interesting promotion that night: St. Patrick's Day PLUS Family Faith Night. Huh. Anyhoo, I've heard some of the band's newer stuff, and me likey. And hey, the Blades are actually decent this year. Anybody interested accompanying me to this musically-based evening? Drop me a line on the blog or email me. Spread the word...ya heard...

Yeah, I'll stop now.