"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Friday, December 30, 2005

Blogging: It Kills Time

Compared to almost everybody I know, I approach Fridays differently. Typically, Fridays are a day to frolic and venture out into this mosaic we call society. Not me, though. I typically have my fun in the mid-week...and when Friday hits, I'm too tired and tend to stay at home and power down. Hence, this blog.

Spent last night with Shaun, Chalsea and Mallory, and got a sneak peek at what Chalsea's done with Shaun's basement suite since she moved in. I've never seen so many apple boxes in one place, but she's done a great job thus far. We all went upstairs to Shaun's to watch "Meet the Parents" (a movie I've long wanted to see) because he by far has the better TV. It's not even close. Then we played Phase 10 until about midnight...yeah...

Just listening to a Tooth and Nail soundtrack Col got me for Christmas. I don't like the "ScrEmo" music, but there's a number of quality songs on there: "All of Me" by Project 86 (a CD that I ultimately picked up tonight), "Someone Else's Arms" by Mae, and ironically enough, "Studying Politics" by Emery. I haven't the foggiest idea as to why that one stands out for me ;)

Is it too early to go to bed? I'm gonna mull this one over for a bit.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Feats of Strength

I just watched the Festivus episode of Seinfeld...I wish we could all incorporate some of those "traditions" into the typical holiday season. I wouldn't mind the aluminum pole instead of a Christmas tree, because I'm allergic to pine trees and the fake trees just don't do it for me. The "Airing of Grievances" is a year-long thing, so no need to make that a centerpiece of the season. However, I would very much like to incorporate the "Feats of Strength", where the head of the household has to be wrestled to the floor and pinned by a designated family member before the holiday ends. The old man stopped giving his sons easy victories a long time ago, but I think I could take him...

Spent the last few days stuffing myself with a wide array of food and getting together with family, especially with my mom's side of the family, whom we don't see nearly as much as we should. It's cool to see how much my cousins have grown and the different paths they're taking in life. We're an eclectic bunch (eclectic is the word of the day).

Christmas was fun and a good time to reflect on the past year and on the meaning of the season. I got an automatic car starter (something I've always meant to buy for myself but never have), 2 grooming kits (hidden message here??), a lot of Roughrider merch (hoodie, mug, clock, mouse..yes, mouse), more books to add to the pile of books I haven't finished from last Christmas, and a few bags of beef jerky and gum. I also have a grill and an automatic pepper mill that is designated purely for the day I move out...next year perhaps...

It's December 28...and I just realized I'm back to school in a week...and I just realized I should probably work on my thesis...and I just realized I need to have a progress report ready for it in 2 weeks...I'm gonna go work on that.

Just in case I'm not back on here before 2006, I wish you all a Happy New Year and safe travels. Hope to see many of y'all soon.

P.S. I am in need of new CD's, because I'm getting bored of the ones I currently have and don't see many new releases that intrigue me at all...and I have a CDPlus coupon that I need to use by the end of the week! Any suggestions?

Friday, December 23, 2005

I think I'm allergic to customers

I just thought I would update this thing before the holidays...and before I fall asleep.

I forgot how nuts a grocery store gets around Christmas. I spent my entire shift today re-filling milk, eggnog, eggs, etc. Every 10 minutes, my work would be undone by these bloody vultures I call customers. I just hope this was the mad rush we had all feared, because I work 930-630 tomorrow and really don't feel like answering stupid questions all day long.

It sucks working Christmas Eve because I don't get holiday pay, and normally I would be scrambling to get to church...but this year, Forest Grove has their Christmas Eve service at 10:30 PM!?! Whaaaa? It's either that, or wake up early on Christmas Day for the same service, drive out to Dalmeny for service for the first time in a looooong time, or go to a different church just for that night. None of these options are particularly appealing at the moment, but I suppose we'll go to Elim for a night.

Oh well, at least I have Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day off. Speaking of New Year's, are there any plans out there? I'm already invited to a party where I know I will be the only sober person there..so if there's any other sober options out there, I'm all ears...

Finished my Christmas shopping after my shift. I normally save it all for Christmas Eve just for the adrenaline rush, but knowing in advance that I'd be working forced my hand.

Still waiting for marks...I bet I wont get any until I get back to class...which is coming soon, so maybe I should get some thesis work done...next week...

I would say Happy Holidays to you all, but since there are so many people (politicians) annoyingly insisting on this politically correct greeting...I will instead wish you all the traditional Merry Christmas!

I'll be on here before the New Year to wish you a happy one of those.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


It's past 1:30 in the morning. I just finished proofreading and editing a massive paper. My printer has just spewed out its 22nd, and last, page about federalism and the recent history of Quebec-Canada relations, and my course assignments/exams are over with until January. I'll drop that baby off on campus before I go to work.

I just realized that the 20+ pages I wrote over the past few days is barely 1/4 of the paper I'll be asked to produce before I'm done with this degree (SHUDDER)

Got an 83 on my terrorism exam, and ended up with an 80 overall. Not too shabby for someone who doesn't normally take a class like this, I must say.

Went out with my fellow grad students for a Christmas party at Earl's the other night (when I should have been working on my paper! Doh!). I haven't been to Earl's in years...but from what I can tell, the parking still sucks. As a group, we get along real well...it's awesome. They all have great stories about travelling, etc. I really have nothing to contribute other than nodding and mmm-hmming, because pretty much my entire extended family lives in Saskatoon! I never get to go anywhere! LOL

I'm not lifting a finger for the rest of the week unless I'm paid to. I've earned a vacation.

Need to learn more about poker so that I'm not the first one eliminated in a 30-person tournament a co-worker is hosting next week...and by learn more, I mean what hand is better than what! LOL

I sleep now.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Procrastination Tip #1: Fill Out A Survey

I should be starting my paper, but I have a headache and it's late. I need to do something fun and time consuming. I know! Let's waste some time by doing a survey from a random blog. Hailey Friesen had a good one on hers...

A- Age of your first kiss: I'm told it was in kindergarden. I don't want to say who it was, because she's engaged now and it might get her in trouble! LOL
B- Band you are listening to right now: Queens of the Stone Age. Weird, yet effective.
C- Crush: The one I had just did something incredibly stupid the other night...so I guess I'm starting over from scratch!
D- Drink you drank last: Coca Cola Zero. Weird, yet effective.
E- Easiest person to talk to: Everyone who reads this blog (single tear)
F- Favorite ice cream: Blueberry Cheesecake
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears: Anything gummy gets my seal of approval.
H- Height: On the cusp of 5'11...hope there's one more spurt left in me so I can fulfill my hoop dreams.
I- Instruments: Burping?
J- Jelly Flavor: I have toast once every 3 months or so...but it's grape or lemon when I get the urge.
K- Kids: Babies seem to like my glasses.
L- Longest car/bus ride: I think Dalmeny to Minneapolis was 16 hours.
M- Major issue: Gay marriage. I think the people deserve the right to vote on this themselves.
N- Nicknames: Ev, Seventh Evan, E-dawg (groan), Captain Charisma!
O- One wish: To meet Miss Right or a Roughrider home playoff game. I honestly can't choose between the two! LOL
P- Phobia: Heights. Leaning over the edge at West Edmonton Mall makes me naseous.
Q- Quote: "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." (Jean Chretien)
R- Reasons to smile: Halfway to a Master's degree...
S- Shoe size: I think I asked for an 11 when I went bowling, and I didn't take them back. 11 it is then.
T- Time you woke up today: 11am...I missed church :(
U- Unknown fact about me: I can name all 50 states in one second. Next time you see me, ask me to do it.
V- vegtables: Popeye was on to something with his spinach addiction.
W- Worst Habit: Watching wrestling. It's so stupid, but it's a wonderful departure from my typical day. Something about seeing a dude getting thrown through a flaming table takes your mind off of your problems for those 2 hours.
X- Xmas gift you really want: A laptop...the must-have accessory for this year's graduate student. I could also use an infusion of beef jerky in my stocking.
...wheres Y? Good question. Somebody better get on that, posthaste.
Z-Zodiac sign: I don't waste my time with that crap.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I haven't learned my lesson

I'm blogging when I should be studying again. I'm still wiped from yesterday's exam...the first I've written since April of last year. I forgot how much work exams are! All I need is a 58 on the exam in order to get a 70, and I feel I accomplished at least that. Therefore, I feel quite justified in throwing this day away! I have until Thursday to finish my paper anyway...

Spent a fun evening with Shaun and Chalsea...we treated her to a birthday present of a Mano's platter for 2 that was more than sufficient for the 3 of us. We also watched the Princess Bride, which despite the chick-flickish name, I found entertaining.

Got home at around 1:30am, which wasn't good because I had to get up early to line up for Nickelback tickets...which I was lucky to get seeing as though tickets were selling like crazy all over the city and on the internet. I'm going with co-workers, but some of us got split up and are on the opposite side of the arena.

I came on here quickly to post something that I had on my mind...but it appears as though it has left my mind just as quickly. If I ever get it back, you'll be the first to read about it.

Mmmm...cranberry ginger ale.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A commentary on Japanese Animation

Whenever I channel surf past YTV or Nickelodeon on my TV, I almost always catch a brief 3-5 second clip of some sort of Japanese animation/Pokemon/Sailor Moon type of thing. It must be the words not catching up to their mouths or the weird animation or the bad plot, but even the briefest exposure to it hurts my eyes and makes me feel physically ill...until I get to the next channel. Not even Roseanne or The View makes me feel this way!

Manda, I don't know how you can watch that stuff. Even your MSN screen picture made me naseous!

End communication.