"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Friday, September 29, 2006


September has been a month long battle against writer's block. I suppose this was due to happen at some point, seeing as though I got halfway through my paper without any major problems. It's not a lack of information I'm suffering from...it's a lot of information and how to sort through it in a way that makes sense. I think I've deleted more pages than I've typed this month. If I can get through this blog entry without deleting anything, I'll be on a much-needed hot streak!

Had a fun time on Saturday night at Dana's birthday party. Good food, good friends. Hung out with a bunch of people I never really get to see anymore, which was awesome. I also did some "networking" in a sense with some of my friends, which I didn't expect to do on a Saturday night...but I came away with some things to think about for my paper, which is always welcome. I'm also 2 for 2 in holding a baby without it crying.

Had a great time on Sunday at the Rider game with Shaun and Vince. I found another great parking spot. The game was a defensive thriller (if I can use those 2 words in a sentence) for the first 3 quarters, but business picked up in the 4th and in OT, with the good guys benefitting from what might possibly have been the worst coaching decision known to man (BC punting through the endzone for a single point to win the game on FIRST DOWN...which failed). Usually it's us with the boneheaded coaching, so I'll gladly take it.

I love the internet. I think I just found the theme for the new James Bond movie coming out later this year. It's awesomo.

I watched the show House for the first time last week. The lead actor is fantastic...too bad he's trapped in the confines of yet another medical drama show. I should keep a running total of how many medical dramas and lawyer shows there actually are on TV. I bet it's staggering. I'm surprised I'm not studying to become a doctor or a lawyer, to tell you the truth...because they're EVERYWHERE. I don't know how I avoided the temptation.

One thing I've noticed while watching Deal or No Deal: America is riddled with annoying families.

Let's give this chapter another shot before I take the weekend off! ;)

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Sipping on Strawberries and Cream Diet Pepsi (it's not horrible), staring at my computer screen, stalling on Chapter 3, listening to the new Jars of Clay album Col got me for some reason...I think he's buttering me up just in time for his birthday next month. I'm on to him.

So yes, I have vanquished the foe that was Chapter 2 of my thesis. And no, I haven't made any significant progress on Chapter 3. I have a lot of information for that chapter that requires sifting, sorting and prioritizing, which is quite frustrating. And here I thought this would be the easiest chapter to write. I'm sure it will be once I get it all in order. At least I've passed the halfway barrier (chapter and length wise), which is already twice as much as I've ever written for one single paper. I can't believe I've gotten this far, because I've slacked off a LOT this summer!

I'm not happy with my tuition bill from the U of S. The only class I have to sign up for is POLST 994, which isn't even a class. It just enables me with the privilege of researching my paper. I know I should have to pay something, but I did not expect to pay $1,000 for this privilege! What a RIP. Well, I suppose that's a good way of breaking in my new VISA, and it should motivate me to get the he-double-hockey-sticks out of the U of S. (Insert roar of a lion here)

I rewarded myself for passing the halfway barrier by buying myself something that will probably chew into my typing time. I bought seasons 1 and 2 of The Office. Shows that can make you laugh out loud and then cringe a minute later are awesome. Awkward comedy RULES.

Well, back to typing...about...The Office...