"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Friday, October 27, 2006


Something has been bugging me and weighing heavily on my mind recently, and I really needed to find out the truth.

Is Paul Pfeiffer from "The Wonder Years" REALLY Marilyn Manson??

Colin mentioned that to me a few weeks ago and my jaw dropped. One, because I was a Wonder Years fan (especially Winnie Cooper) back in the day; and two, I've never, EVER heard this. I consider myself somewhat of an oddball news buff, and I couldn't believe this passed by my radar.

I just checked wikipedia to satisfy my thirst for knowledge, and here is what I found about Josh "Pfeiffer" Saviano: "A rumor circulated in the 1990s that he grew up to be the leader of the shock rock band Marilyn Manson; however, that rumor was untrue. Currently, Saviano is working as an attorney at Morrison Cohen LLP, in NYC. He is an avid fantasy sports player." A lawyer? I don't know, that's kind of far-fetched, don't you think? ;)

Monday, October 23, 2006

MP=Mainly Pathetic?

I am sometimes amazed (or is it appalled?) by the conduct of those elected to represent us in Parliament. Frankly, I can understand why some people don't bother to vote...probably because they support none of the options on the ballot! Witness this scene from what appears to be a school playground...I can't believe the Speaker even has to deal with with this stuff when they should be debating the nation's business, which is apparently what they give themselves pay raises to do. The people that made the comments seen below AND those who insist on eating up valuable time reacting to said comments disgust me equally.

Hon. Denis Coderre (Bourassa, Lib.):
Mr. Speaker, during oral question period, there was heckling going on while my hon. colleague from Honoré-Mercier was putting a question to the Minister of the Environment.

I do not know why, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs took comments about environmental impacts on humans and animals as a personal attack.

Someone on our side shouted, “What about Peter's dog?”, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs shouted back, “You already have her”. What an appalling thing to say.

It is disgusting. It is shameful. I demand to know why the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that. I want to know at whom he was aiming. I want him to apologize to everyone. It is disgusting.

Mr. Mark Holland (Ajax—Pickering, Lib.):
Mr. Speaker, on the same point of order, there were some comments on this side of the House that the lack of action on the environment by the government might have an impact on the foreign affairs minister's dog, to which the foreign affairs minister responded, “You already have her”, and he gestured toward the seat in front of me, which is the seat of the member for Newmarket—Aurora.

This is clearly shameful. The minister owes an apology to the House. It was a shameful display, for which he absolutely must apologize.

Hon. Rona Ambrose (Minister of the Environment, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, I am not sure what happened over here but I would like to point out that the member for Bourassa, who raised this question, at one point called me a name, a sexist comment saying that I was merely a pretty picture vase sitting at the front of the entrance to a home.

It has been a number of months, but I am glad he raised this issue because it has always bothered me, so I would like an apology from him today for that.

Hon. Denis Coderre (Bourassa, Lib.):
I would like her, Mr. Speaker, to tell me what this is about exactly, given that I never address her or speak to her.

Obviously, this is a diversion tactic on the part of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is once again making a show of his private life in this House.

He should apologize.

I do not know what the member is talking about. She can call me and talk to me, but I do not know what she is talking about.

The Speaker:
We will leave this matter for the moment.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

"A Man of Few Words" update

Saturday night. Bored. Blog. Yup.

Won a poker game last week!

Riders win on the road? Whaaaaa?

New Incubus single "Anna Molly"...good stuff.

Fooled around on a drum set today...I enjoyed it very, very much.

Might splurge on an Xbox 360 and a cellphone--->(welcome to 1999?)

I need to hit myself repeatedly with my thesis to wake me up.

Party at Simon's tomorrow! Woooo!

I sleep now.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Colin and his girlfriend are here...which means Single Man has to leave the comfort associated with the big screen TV and retreat back to his room. Need to find something to do that will facilitate the act of sleeping...blogging should do the trick.

I won't update you on my thesis, because there's nothing to update. The start of the NHL and the baseball playoffs aren't helping matters around here, as sports distracts me quite easily and for prolonged amounts of time. Nice to hear some of my classmates are due to wrap (or have wrapped?) up their degree very soon...maybe that's the kick in the posterior that I need.

I bought FIVE CDs this week in a much needed replenishment of my collection: Jet, Evanescence and Pillar (not as good as their previous efforts, but a couple of gems to be found in each, and the price was, pardon the pun, right); Papa Roach (better than anticipated); and the X-2007 Christian Rock Hits compilation (awesome). What's stealing the show for me at the moment is the two songs featured on Switchfoot's website. Both are incredible. I can't believe their new album is being released on Boxing Day (groan...length-wise and date-wise), but I'm sure I can find an advance somewhere on the 'net to do me until then.

I got really blonde highlights the other day. I think I like it, even thought the conversation with my...uhhh...hair professional(??)...sucked. I hate it when that happens, especially when I'm there for more than just a trim. It's not like I can ask her what she does for a living, and I can only talk about myself for so long before I get sick of hearing about me too! And I'm too young to start talking about the weather to total strangers...

I had a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard at Dairy Queen tonight. I think I'm in love. Would I marry a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard? Yes, I think I would.

Okay, my sugar rush has subsided. Until next time...