OK, what is Evan's biggest pet peeve?
Professors who have absolutely horrible command of the English language? Top 5, for sure.
Professors with illegible handwriting? Gee, I'd like to know how to improve on my last essay, but I can't understand you very well or read your comments! Well, I guess you could lump that in with the previous one.
The "establishment"? Yeah, sometimes the "man" ticks me off ;)
People who don't signal? Getting closer.
People who you can clearly hear talking/giggling during church? Ding ding ding!
Why bother coming to church if you're clearly not going to pay any attention whatsoever to what's going on up on stage? I know children can't help themselves, but you'd think teenagers/young adults would know better.
I think it's time for the church to hire bouncers...or give the ushers an extended role, if you know what I mean. I think a baton would fit very nicely into an offering bag.