"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Ultimate Humiliation

The process of determining who gets eliminated from American Idol must be excruciating for the contestants. Ryan Seacrest toying with the contestants (and worldwide audience) as he goes to commerical break is extremely annoying. To find out on live TV in front of millions that you recieved the least number of votes must be very difficult to deal with. To be asked to once again sing the song that helped get you eliminated from the competition at the end of the show must seal the deal.

"Would you mind if you validated America's decision to turf you and sing that song again? We just want to make sure we're cool with our decision."

Sunday, March 27, 2005

And the survey says...

OK, what is Evan's biggest pet peeve?

Professors who have absolutely horrible command of the English language? Top 5, for sure.

Professors with illegible handwriting? Gee, I'd like to know how to improve on my last essay, but I can't understand you very well or read your comments! Well, I guess you could lump that in with the previous one.

The "establishment"? Yeah, sometimes the "man" ticks me off ;)

People who don't signal? Getting closer.

People who you can clearly hear talking/giggling during church? Ding ding ding!

Why bother coming to church if you're clearly not going to pay any attention whatsoever to what's going on up on stage? I know children can't help themselves, but you'd think teenagers/young adults would know better.

I think it's time for the church to hire bouncers...or give the ushers an extended role, if you know what I mean. I think a baton would fit very nicely into an offering bag.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Best. Forward. Ever.

Got this forward from Col the other day. I usually ignore forwards, but I'm soooo glad that I read this one! If you need a prolonged laugh, please click on the link after this description of the clip!!!

An operations manager for Jack in the Box was late for a meeting and called his boss to tell him he was running late. As he was leaving the voice mail message, he witnessed an accident and went on to provide "play by play" of the incident. This is the actual voice mail message. It was forwarded so many times within Jack in the Box, it crashed their voice mail server.


CNN=Constantly Negative Nuisance

Has anyone been watching American news lately? Every news station I go to is all over this Terri Schiavo case. For those who don't know of this story (I'm sure pretty much everyone has, given how obnoxiously repetitive the media is these days), Schiavo has been in a vegetative state since 1990. Her husband (and legal guardian) wants to remove her feeding tube and let her die with dignity, while her parents constantly see signs of progress and want the tube to remain. The majority of American politicans want to see the tube remain (heck, Congress even worked on a SUNDAY to pass a bill on this!), but every court thus far has supported the husband. In fact, there are almost no legal options left for her parents, and Terri's days seem to be numbered. For a better summation of this case, go here: http://us.cnn.com/2005/LAW/03/25/schiavo.qa/index.html

Something about this case really bothers me, and it's not about whether or not they should pull the plug, so to speak. What bothers me is how a private, family situation has blown up into a gigantic media frenzy. The family is obviously torn on this agonizing situation, and it bothers me to see total strangers coming out of the woodwork condemning one side of the family or the other. For crying out loud, one of the stations (coughFOXcough) brought in TV psychic John Edward to get his opinion on the matter. Democrats who voted to remove the feeding tube are being told that they're responsible for the impending death of Schiavo. Watch Larry King for 10 minutes and you'll be embarassed by the behaviour of both sides of this right-to-die debate. I saw Schiavo's doctor get lambasted on live TV by two protestors who believe he misdiagnosed her! Do they have some sort of medical degree to back up such a bold claim? If anything, I believe the doctor is the most neutral of parties on this issue, and even he is dragged into this quagmire.

What's really sad is that this poor woman has no idea what's going on around her.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My kingdom for quality gum!

Now that I'm sufficiently convinced that people still check in on my blog from time to time and that I'm not talking to myself (more than usual), I present to you another entry. Woooooo....

I feel compelled to talk about a topic that is near and dear to me... gum. I chew it in the car, at work, after work, watching tv and wherever else it is acceptable to chew it. I went to a 7-11 to pick up some gum before work (we aren't supposed to chew gum at work, but I do it anyway, and they never say anything about it), and I must say....the selection of gum out there deeply disturbs me. The latest trend in gum-world seems to be favoring chiclet-type gum, which I am not a fan of...you need like a 1/4 of the whole pack to create an acceptable piece of gum, whereas with normal-sized sticks, one or two will do nicely. My parents were just in California and brought back some good ol' American gum. The sticks are nice and long and have cool flavours (green apple, wildberry frost, watermelon)...alas, the flavour disappears within minutes and must be spit out shortly thereafter. Too bad...because it smells purty.

That rant would've made a nice Seinfeld episode.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Let's see...witty title...witty title...I got nothing.

I just sent in my grad school application to the University of Regina for their M.A. program. If I get accepted into both the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina, then my choice is a no-brainer...I'll go to the U of R. Their program offers an internship at a public policy institute, a place I would be interested in working for after graduation. Hmmmm....less time in the classroom and more time in an environment where I can learn something practical and useful? I could use a change of scenery, and I would be closer to my beloved Roughriders? Ding ding ding...we have a winner! Of course, if I don't get accpeted into any of them, then I'm screwed!

I have a weird feeling that something good is going to happen to me soon (not that things have been rotten to date)...I don't why and I don't know when...but I'm pumped for some reason. Maybe it's the Diet Pepsi talking...

Simon, if you're reading this...how far away is Pincher Creek from Calgary? I might be out in the Calgary area in late July to heckle Henry Burris, or as I call him: $miling Bank Burri$ ;D

Leave some comments, people! I read other people's blogs and get jealous by the number of comments they have :(

In fact, I won't make another entry until I see a comment! Desperate times call for desperate measures ;)