"They're not smores; they're samosas!"

Friday, April 28, 2006


Spent a relaxing day on the deck with Shaun and Chalsea, complete with BBQ burgers, steak, mashed potatoes, chips, pop and raspberry cheesecake. This cooking for yourself thing is pretty fun, I must say. I need to find a novelty apron to complete my look.

Going to see Our Lady Peace on Wednesday, and then Sam Roberts a week or so later. I guess this means I need to work harder on my thesis than I did this week so I can justify having fun at these events ;)

Need to kill time before bed, so here's another list! LOL

A - Available?: For what?
A - Age?: 23...will be 24 in a month or so. Shudder.
A - Annoyance?: I have a new one. People who turn left when leaving a parking lot, but leave you no room if you want to exit right.

B - Best Friends?: Everyone who reads my blog.
B - Bar?: Chocolate.
B - Birthday?: June 2. Anyone want to go see the opening of Nacho Libre with me?

C - Crush?: Orange.
C - Car?: Red Cavalier.
C - Cat?: ALF thinks they taste good.

D - Dead Pets Name?: Never had a pet...so I'm spared from those painful memories.
D - Dads Name?: Bruce
D - Dogs Name?: Benji. That sounds like a dog's name.

E - Easiest person to talk to?: Simon. You never run out of things to talk about with Simon.
E - Eggs?: Scrambled..and they taste better if you do that in a pan where you just fried up some bacon.
E - Email?: Ask me nicely.

F - Favorite color?: Green
F - Food?: Pizza.
F - Foreign Slang?: Aie! (In a French shriek)

G - Gummy Bears or Worms?: Bears. Only freaks eat worms.
G - God?: Most definitely.
G - Good Time?: Watching sports and/or laughing.

H - Hair Color?: Light brown with blonde highlights. I might have a surprise for y'all the next time I go for a haircut though...
H - Height?: 5'10?
H - Happy?: Well I don't feel terrible, so sure.

I - Ice Cream?: Ben and Jerry's was on sale (finally!) this week, and I love the Half-Baked product (brownie batter and cookie dough)
I - Instrument?: Used to be piano and trombone, then nothing for the longest time, but want to get a drum kit after I graduate.
I - Idol?: Don't have any.

J - Jewelry?: Expensive, and not looking forward to buying it in the future lol
J - Job?: Stock boy, but now with power to boss people around lol
J - Joke?: The price of gas. Oh, that's not what the question meant...

K - Kids?: Some day...but not now lol
K - Karate?: I pretend I can.
K - Kite?: Tom Kite...underrated golfer. Cool hat.

L - Longest Car Ride: Weyburn to Minneapolis was 15 hours. I'll never forgive Colin for getting me Skittles instead of a much needed drink at the last rest stop before Minneapolis.
L - Longest Relationship: NEXT!
L - Last Person you spoke to on the phone: Shaun, asking me if I had Montreal steak spice for tyhe steak he wanted to grill. I had none.

M - Milk Flavor: Ummmm....milk?
M - Mothers Name: Linda
M - Movie Last Watched: 16 Blocks

N - Number of Siblings: One. Will accept trade LOL
N - Northern or Southern: Let's go Nor-rth! (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!!)
N - Name: Evan...AKA The Franchise, AKA The Big Easy

O - ONE Wish?: Drive a bobsled, meet the girl of my dreams. Whatever's cheapest ;)
O - One Phobia?: Heights. I get queasy looking over the railing at West Edmonton Mall.
O - Only goal: Get this freakin' thesis out of the way so I can settle into a career.

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: 25+ years married. They're bucking the trend!
P - Part of your appearance you like best: People tell me that they wish they had my eyelashes. Odd, but i'll say eyelashes.
P - Part of your personality you like best: I like to think I'm easy to get along with.

Q - Quote: "If the Flintstones has taught us anything, it's that pelicans can be used to mix cement"--Homer Simpson
Q - Question for the next person: Hey, who's the next person?
Q - Quick or Slow?: Who said that?

R - Reason to smile: The Riders have a QB!
R - Reality TV Show: BOO! HISS!
R - Right or Left: Right handed, right wing.

S - Song Last Heard: "Baby Hates me"--Danko Jones
S - Season: Fallllllllllll.
S - Sex: I'm a dude.

T - Time you woke up: 10:30 A.M. lol
T - Time Now: 11:41 P.M.
T - Time for bed: As soon as I finish, you silly list.

U - Unknown Facts about me: I like calamari.
U - Unicorns?: Would have had one on the BBQ today, but the grocery clerk I asked told me they were sold out.
U - U are......?: Getting tired.

V - Vegetable you hate: Just one? Tomatoes.
V - Vegetable you love: Spinach.
V - View on Politics: It's my major. It's all good.

W- Worst Habits: Biting my fingernails and procrastination.
W- What do you wanna be when you grow up: A guy in government who's able to be creative, with air-conditioning, weekends off and to be well-compensated.
W- Where are you traveling to next?: Hopefully it's Montreal. Realistically? Regina.

X - X-Rays: I think the last one was when I sprained my foot badly playing basketball a few years ago.
X - X-Rated Porn: Not a career choice I'm envisioning, even if there is air-conditioning, weekends off and fair compensation.
X - X-Files: Liked the conspiracy/alien episodes, but couldn't watch the supernatural stuff.

Y - Year you were born: 1982
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow?: Are you calling me yella? I challenge you to a duel!!

Z - Zoo Animal: Monkeys make me chortle.
Z - Zodiac: Zzzzzzzzzzz......
Z - Zest: Zest for life...and more of it. (end on a high note)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ho Hum

I should be researching, but I have to work at 6...I just don't feel like doing anything useful until then. So I present you with the following time-killing list I ripped off of someone else's blog!

Full Name: Evan "Danger" Richet
Single or Taken: I'm taken with being single
Sex: Not until I'm married ;)
Birthday: June 2/82
Siblings: No siblings, just Colin ;)
Eye color: I think green...I haven't really looked since I was last asked this in elementary school.
Shoe size: 11 fits me for bowling
Height: 5'10, give or take an inch
Innie or Outie: Innie, if we're talking about what I think we're talking about.
What are you wearing right now: Black hoodie, jeans and slippers
Where do you live: Saskamatoon
Righty or lefty: Righty...but I golf lefty. Maybe that's why I'm so bad at golf.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: I can make 7 dollars in change, guaranteed
Who is your closest friend: I don't like ranking friends.
Do you have a BF or GF: NEXT!

Animal: The penguin or the albatross...don't make me choose
Month: Fall is my favourite season...not too hot, not too cold...I'll go with September.
Movie: Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. KHHHAAAAAAANNNNNN!
Breakfast: French Toast...a nod to my ancestors
Favorite cartoon character: Yosemite Sam

Have you ever

Given anyone a bath: Wow, I can honestly say I didn't see this one coming.
Smoked: No, and never will. Filthy, disgusting habit.
Bungee jump: I'll take a pass for as long as I live.
Made yourself throw-up: From endlessly coughing due to a tickle in my throat? Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: Nooooo...
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Yes, but it was more of a shovel than a pole.
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Nay.
Broken a bone: No. I thank drinking milk for that.
Played truth or dare: I've never been at a all-girl sleepover before, so no.
Been in a physical fight: I once threw Jordan Buzinsky into a locker and ran away. Quickest fight in elementary school history. And I won.
Been in a police car: No. I've seen one driving down the road though.
Been on a plane: Not as often as other people. Good peanuts, I must say.
Come close to dying?: I would have been bitten by a black widow spider in the soup package I was planning to unpack at work had I not gone for my break. Thankfully the guy who did open it was an insect expert and recognized what it was right away.
Been in a sauna: A long time ago when I was taking swimming lessons...and when I thought girls had cooties. Oh, how I wish I could change the past lol
Been in a hot tub: If it's with people, I put my feet in. I prefer to lounge in my hot tub by myself.
Swam in the ocean: I chased after the waves in Florida. The waves chased me back.
Fallen asleep in school: You mean have I fallen asleep in Sociology 110? Yes.
Broken someone's heart: Not to my knowledge lol
Cried when someone died: I've been truly blessed by the fact that no one really close to me has passed away. My great-grandmother passed away a few years ago, but she was in her 90s, and it was more of a celebration of her life and that she's in a better place. A lot of people don't get the chance to interact with their great-grandparents...I've been fortunate.
Cried in school: From laughing. A prof tried to argue how the freedom to listen to music (preferably opera over Britney Spears) is equally important to a person's right to live. I'm dead serious. And this was in a graduate seminar THIS YEAR.
Fell off your chair: Only when I laugh uncontrollably. So...twice a week.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yikes...no.
Saved AIM conversations: I might have one or two special ones somewhere...
Saved e-mails: I keep all of them for no reason. I'm a bit of a technological packrat
Fallen for one of your best friends?: Ummmm...a year or so ago, but I'm really glad I didn't do anything about it.
Made out with JUST a friend?: LOL
Used someone: I sure hope not.
Best song you ever heard: I find myself partial to Chris Benoit's "Whatever" by Our Lady Peace.
What's your room like: Green, lots of papers, too many books and CDs.
What is beside you: Lots of papers, too many books and CDs, and the Great Gazoo.
Last thing u ate: Just Right cereal...I'm gonna go get a Quizno's sub right away.
What kind of shampoo do you use? I dunno...something European? lol

Questions? The things you provide answers to. I'll take Potpourri for $100, Alex...
Do you like picnics: What an odd question.
Who was the last person that called you: I believe it was Dacia wanting me to play poker...but I was typing a paper on Saturday night. I was also watching the Habs game on the French network because I hate watching the Leafs every Saturday night.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: I hate dancing with a passion, but I think it was with Angela at the after-grad party. I remember Mrs. Schatz telling me to look at my partner when I was dancing, but I couldn't because I was so shy! I don't think I've changed much since! LOL
Who makes you laugh the most?: You wouldn't be my friend unless you were funny! Shaun is hysterical.
Who makes you smile? : Everybody. I'm just so doggone happy-go-lucky.
What are you listening to right now?: BOOM! by P.O.D. Here comes the BOOM!
What did you do yesterday?: Scrambled around campus trying to submit my ethics application for my paper, typed up a working bibliography for my supervisor, and had a rather easy night at work.
Good Singer: I hear Stereotrap is looking for a new, less high-maintenance singer ;)
Have a lava lamp: We had a retro one back in Dalmeny...not sure if it moved with us to the city.
Last time you showered: Yesterday morning...will have one before work though.
Scary or happy movies: Scary movies ain't my thang, but I don't want movies to be too gushy happy either. They either have to be outright stupid or weave a clever web of deception.
Summer or winter: Fall.
Diamond or pearl: Buh?
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise...sunset! SunriseSunsetSunriseSunset! (sun shatters)
Sprite or 7up: 7UP by a furlong.
Orange juice or apple juice: Apple Juice by 2 furlongs.
Coffee or tea: I despise both by 3 furlongs.
Phone or in person: I absolutely hate using the phone. That's why a lot of you never hear from me! LOL
Indoor or outdoor?: Now is nice enough for me to be outdoors. Anything over 25 and I'd prefer to stay inside. Heat does not agree with me.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Great One

Blog post #99. Everyone celebrates 25ths, 50ths, 100ths...just thought I'd be different ;)

I handed in my last term paper ever yesterday. I must say, it's tough doing a paper on Easter weekend (LOL). Turned out I had a lot of research that I really couldn't fit into the paper, but it's stuff I can use for my thesis...thank goodness. Still have a mountain of information to sort through too...and it doesn't help that I'm a methodical reader either. Goody.

Back to work tomorrow night after 2 weeks off. It was nice to have a break from the hustle and bustle (and the occasional idiot customers) of Extra Foods despite not doing anything fun while I was off! However, I am saddened by the fact that I will have to shave off my 2-week old "lumberjack-ish" goatee...I never get this long to craft facial hair and I was getting attached to it. I....will....not....cry....

Went for breakfast with Colin this morning (I had a French Toast Sandwich...yes, thst's right), then went to the driving range so he could break in his new set of golf clubs. I think it might be awhile before I deem myself ready for golf action...yeesh...

Stoked for the NHL playoffs. So happy to see the Leafs not make it ;)

Colin brought back a bounty of pre-release music from his trip to Nashville scouting new Christian music for the year. I'm hearing stuff that nobody will get to buy until June. The new Day of Fire rocks...but I guess none of you would know that! ;)

My friend Ashley wanted to go catch a flick on Saturday night, and we debated the merits of watching a Bruce Willis movie vs. a Harrison Ford movie. I voted for Ford...unforgettable as Han Solo and Indiana Jones (and I think he was the Fugitive if memory serves me right). I was the first to cave, so we went to see Willis' 16 Blocks. Willis was pretty good portraying a pissed-off cop who didn't want to work overtime and just wanted to go home. In the end, we learn that people do indeed change. Hollywood needs your money, so I'm not going to tell you how he reached that conclusion ;)

Jack Bauer: more like MacGyver or Chuck Norris? Or better?

I'm going to go pick at the remnants of our Easter turkey. I'll post again when I have stuff to talk about ;)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I think the title of my post is especially clever.

At 11:30am this morning, I finished my LAST (I promise!) university exam. It was all right...not as good as yesterday's, but solid nonetheless. I have one week left to finish my term paper/interim thesis report, and then I have all summer to chop away at my research project. I don't feel as "free" as I did at this time 2 years ago, but I'll take not coming back to class anymore as a positive!

Thursday was an interesting day. My professor/supervisor cancelled class in the hopes that a few of the grad students would take some free tickets to Regina to watch the provincial budget be delivered in the Legislature. I wasn't planning on going because I could have used the day to study, but I couldn't let three young women go to Regina unescorted! Plus, they'd hit me if I didn't go.

They, and almost everybody in attendance, dressed up for the occasion. I wore my Roughrider hoody (support the province, baby), jeans and dress shoes. We had primo seats in the Speaker's Gallery...all that was missing was a hot-dog vendor. Man, I really wanted a hot dog! Anyhoo, the budget address was informative, but kinda boring since we weren't allowed to boo or clap. The students that applauded the tuition freeze announcement were "rebuked" on live TV by the Speaker, as only elected officials are allowed to participate (LOL). Question Period was entertaining...I can't believe how many adults act like children, shouting over each other. It's even better live than it is on TV! My friend Rhiannon, who served as an intern in the Legistaure last year, gave us a good "unofficial tour" of the Building. Afterwards, we hobnobbed with political elites at a couple of parties afterwards. Well, maybe not hobnobbed...more like saw. I have a picture of me with a rolled up copy of the budget prepared to smack the portrait of Grant Devine...if I can get the picture, I'll post it.

Kinda sad to see the Ottawa Renegades suspend operations for the year, as it brings a halt to the unprecedented level of momemtum the CFL was enjoying. Those fans deserved way better from the league and their goofball ownership. It looks like the Riders will get a much-needed QB in the dispersal draft tomorrow...but just watch, they'll screw that up.

Anyway, I'm taking it easy tonight and am playing some cards. I plan on a nice, long sleep, and then back to hitting the books tomorrow. So many books.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Customers suck!

Hadn't blogged in a while, so I thought I'd stop in and post something before it gets insanely busy in these parts...

I always shudder and dread in advance the first Monday and Tuesday of every month...because it's Customer Appreciation Day at work. Now I think most customers are rude and obnoxious even when it's a good day, so imagine my frustrations when these vultures want to capitalize on every deal known (and sometimes unknown) to man. My tongue is sore from biting it so much! I'm tired, my feet ache and my back is sore...quite possibly from carrying the staff ;)

Exams are coming up real quick (Monday and Tuesday)...they shouldn't be that difficult this time around, but it sucks that they're on back-to-back days at 9am. I suppose it's good that I'm getting them out of the way quick though. I also have a term paper due a week or so later, which is essentially an "interim report" of my thesis research. It appears as though my supervisor and I are on the right page, and we're both happy with the results I'm uncovering. Still lots of work ahead, but I finally have some momentum and it feels good. I'll probably work on that some more tonight and then leave it alone for a week or so.

Here was a pleasent surprise: I won $20 bucks playing poker last week. I made it to the final two, went all in on my 2nd hand with a pair of jacks, and still lost. Still, I'm happy I won something!

Bought the Neverending White Lights CD last week, because I heard a a cool song called "The Grace" featuring Dallas Green on the radio...and because they're opening for Our Lady Peace next month. Unfortunately, it's the only song I liked on the CD. I did buy "As Far as the Eye Can See" by People in Planes, and it's awesome. It's like Queens of the Stone Age and jazz music at the same time. Oddly cool.

Question: Do any of you have products in your home that one would normally use, but aren't allowed to use? Example: My mom bought new bathroom towels...they look just like our other bathroom towels, but we're not allowed to use them because they're "decorative". Same goes for pillows, candles, plates, etc. Is this a accepted trend? I don't get it...why buy it if you're going to do jack squat with it? I thought my dad would agree with me, but apparently he's been brainwashed ;)

Live long and prosper.